
Would you have tea with Hillary Clinton? ?

by  |  earlier

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I would.




  1. Of course I would :)

  2. Sure, I might take a sip before I accidentally dump it on her.

  3. yeah .... sounds like fun

  4. No but I'd have crumpets with her.

  5. soda instead i don't like tea

  6. Never.I have no respect for a woman that would stay with a cheating husband.

  7. I'd have tea with anyone.. really. And I bet she's a good conversationalist.

    I hope she doesn't talk about politics, though. She'd probably dump the tea kettle over my head if she found out how little I know about the political arena.

    : (

  8. Definitely, and I also should present her a chocolate

  9. not really......i wouldnt like to talk about the nation........BORING!

  10. why not ,she is a human too?

  11. yes i would!!!!!!

  12. Sure, but not tea... LOL!  Maybe a diet soda.

    Even if I put all the sugar and cream into tea, it would still come out tasting too bitter for me.

  13. heck no...

  14. no I dont like her


  15. sure..

  16. Yes, she was my choice. *Cries!*

  17. Before Obama. After Sara Palin.

  18. Nah. I don't like tea. Hillary seems pretty cool, but I. Hate. Tea.


  20. no, i dont like tea nor Hilary Clinton.

  21. if it was so hot that i could dump it all over he and melt her plastic flesh off

  22. that would be great fun

  23. Yes, as long as she picks up the tab.

  24. a heartbeat...i would even pick up the tab.


  25. I would i won't vote for her but ill drink with her.

    Ohh yes hillary is a drinker ;}

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