
Would you have the courage to wear a Hillary t-shirt to a George Bush rally?

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People wearing t-shirts with a John Kerry logo were ousted from Bush public appearances by strongarm security forces. Only Bush supporters who signed a Pledge of Loyalty were allowed at these speeches. Who among us would have the courage to don an opposition t-shirt to attend these so-called public meetings? Is it right for any President of a free country to exclude those who want to peacefully listen to him speak, yet want to wear a t-shirt loyal to their own political beliefs?




  1. yes why not? but no heckling.

    america is the land of the free and the home of the brave.

  2. Yeah, I would be glad to wear this shirt:

    Actually I would wear any of these:

    or even these:

  3. oh yes i like Hillary very much she got my v ote. to h**l with Bush!!

  4. Courage has nothing to do with it.  You just have to be dumb enough to admit that you're voting for The Carpetbagger.

  5. While providing a police escort for Wm. Clinton during his first run at the White House, and during the ensuing "personal talk" with a local family, with all the attending news media, I did wear a George HW Bush campaign button.  Proud to do so and I did stick my neck out some by doing it.

  6. its not that, ignorance.  what sane sober individual would KNOWINGLY support the clinton...:"legacy"

    - The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance

    - Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*

    - Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation

    - Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify

    - Most number of witnesses to die suddenly

    - First president sued for sexual harassment.

    - First president accused of rape.

    - First first lady to come under criminal investigation

    - Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case

    - First president to establish a legal defense fund.

    - First president to be held in contempt of court

    - Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions

    - Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad

    - First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court

  7. Sorry but they would not let you in...or if you went in and then put it on, you would be ousted. Any anti Bush sentiments are kept out of sight of tv cameras. He's not an equal opportunity speaker.


  9. You are right, it would be wrong for any US politician to abridge individual expression of freedom by doing such - fortunately, people who believe in individual freedom usually don't root for Hilary, do they?

  10. I wouldn't wear a Hillary T-Shirt to do anything.

  11. Of course. You would be treated with dignity and respect.

    However, if you went to a Hillary rally wearing a Bush t-shirt, you would be lynched.

  12. ewwww!

    I don't want ANYTHING with that woman to have anything near my body.

    I think I just threw up in my mouth a little

  13. It's not courage, just disrespectful.

  14. First the only thing a Hillary shirt would be worth is a good item to wipe with.  Second, I would not have a problem wearing a Bush shirt, or a Thompson shirt, or a Guilliani shirt to a Hillary rally.  However, the difference is that I would probably end up like all the others who crossed Hillary in Arkansas, about 6 feet under.

    I want to add that during the election for Bill Clinton several people who were asking questions against his agenda at one of the town hall meetings were jailed.  And anyone who wore Republican items to any of his public meetings were either jailed as well or strong armed and made to leave.  It goes both ways.

  15. Of course it's not right. It is Deplorable.

    People who are working for the people,(elected) Public service,  because their motivation is something like 'Every time I try to do something to address the grievances of my beloved community/City/ neighborhood/etc., 'buracrats seem to want to obstruct any/all things to change the status quo. Sick of all the corruption, cronyism, self interest of individuals (at the unimaginable cost to our society) Lobbyist and their legal bribery guarantee, no representation of citizens worth under $million minimum.These few think they can change the system from within.

    If a leader wanted to save the country dissent and intelligent debate, along with people that think  different (not wrongly or rightly) would not only be able to express their views and ideas without fear, but actively encouraged. That way the people elected to serve the need of their people would not only participate in this sham democracy but feel their  concerns are being addressed.

      Only a government working against  the citizens would go to such draconian measures, that, never mind the President is so terrified of the " Town Hall Meeting" supposedly to talk to and get the feel of real Americans is a total farce. Only loyal Party, Bush supporters are allowed in. All questioned are screened and scripted. These are the actions of an administration that does not even know how to talk or relate to the people it clams his constitutes . He knows the "Have Mores" are launching an unpresident war against the "have less, have a lot less, getting by, bearly getting by and the ones in grinding poverty (and yes many of these Americans are this way through design.) The writing of the tax laws, the ghettoization, the schools that applaud a grade 10 student as the top of his class, although he is illiterate, is not aware he lives in the United States of America ARRHH!  

      The dumping of almost every toxic waste imaginable in their back yards, sending asthma, cancer, and diabetes along with a merrimed of respitory diseases soaring, of course through yhe neighborhoods of the most likely NOT to have any sort of health coverage.

       This is what drives intellegent ruthless men to fear 'the people' even a slogan on a T-shirt in a so called 'Free Society'

      Honest people do not fear dissent, they embrace it as way of pursuading people. Funny thing about truth tellers. Through the pure logic and passion of their belief's they quickly pick up a following, garunteed to be ignored and ridiculed by the "Free, Objective,Balanced Press" Could the fact tha t the Right Wing own all the T.V., cable, almost all large newpaper chains a well as those tiny home town publications.

       I tell you as times get steadly much much worse, it will be obvious why no appearace of dissatifaction was tolerated, hence all the bezair secrecy (as never befere). When we are delivered the final 'cout de grace'  Some of us may reflect why back when they were merely attacking T Shirts we were not all up in arms.

       After all their is only one thing the powers fear and that is Public Opinion. They say nay, but in truth you have the rioting, protesting, anti war movement of the Veitnam era that stopped Nixion frum nuking N. Korea. He was not afraid of loosing hippie votes He was terriefied that once he stated nuking North Korea. He would loose al  control to "Keep the Peace" at home. Aside  from so many men overseas, he could not be sure of the forces at home not taking the side of the American citizen. Proving no matter the rhetoric, he was well aware such an action was evil and no amount of spin or explaining to the mostly decent American population was going to buy it.

    Noam Chomsky once said "If we do not believe in listening to the veiws of even the people we despise. Then we do not believe in Free Speech at all......Mary

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