
Would you have to "be a Mug" to vote Mugabe?

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Would you have to "be a Mug" to vote Mugabe?




  1. It's better than being beaten to a bloody pulp !

  2. There may be bugs on some of you ''Mugs''...but there ain't no bugs on me!

  3. whatever way you look at it "Mug a be" or "Be a Mug" it amounts to the same thing.  Life in Zimbabwe must be terrible right now.

  4. No. Apparently all you need to vote for Mugabe is a pulse, lol.

  5. or one of his militia thugs

    and being corrupt would help

    and also someone who is a thief

    and also someone who gets a kick out of torturing people

  6. I wouldn't have to be a mug to shoot him, I am sure that  given the resources of the western world, they could get a team together to assasinate him and free the long suffering people of Zimbabwe.

  7. No, because apparently any amount of torture, murder, having your home bull-dozed flat, your family terrorised, your wives and children raped, brutalised and sodomised, and years of endless starvation, fear and misery, so some evil pric*k and his vile mitlitia can steal the aid out of your mouths and let your kids die in squallor, is well worth it to get rid of those horrible white colonists.

    You know, those evil swines who built farms where nothing but wasteland existed before, who created infrastructure, created wealth through mines that weren't even discovered before (which they mainly kept for themselves, I know), who employed and fed people who would otherwise have starved every time there was a drought.

    Good riddance I say, but then I must be a racist who enjoys watching the utter barbarism that has taken the place of Ian Smith and his h****y government. Right?

    What then is the excuse of these filth who starve and torture their own people? Sorry, I forgot, it's ok to be a monstrous vicious regime if you have the same skin colour as those you torment.

    Oh please!  

    Good luck to them I say, but don't expect any more charity out of my pocket to support those murdering, ignorant filth. It all gets taken from the suffering millions of decent, struggling human beings anyway, so not one penny more will I donate - as much as it breaks my heart to say it - so some tin pot general without a moral bone in his body, a ton of bling for bravery on his chest when he is a s**+* little pea-brained animal, a feral rat but without a rat's intelligence, when he can't truly claim any courage or humanity, or even having a brain on a par with a lizard, can build himself another palace out of my well-intentioned money and let his own people rot in an earthbound h**l.

    I would like to hug, feed and love all those poor suffering people, but I will not donate another penny ever. Not ever. They must sort it our for themselves, as all the civilized countries have had to do over centuries and if they're too dumb to do so, then perhaps natural selection should take over and they deserve to be wiped out,

    I'm listening. Go on, tell me why I'm white scum. Heard it all before, mind you, but you go for it and I will sober up and shoot you down in flames...

    Hey! They have to walk fifteen miles with a bucket on their head's to get fresh water, right? So why don't they move their villages fifteen miles to where the water is? Is it just me or do we constantly make excuses for lazy foolish idiots.

    And I AM drunk, and will realise in the morning that I'm just being unfair and angry and will no doubt be heartily ashamed, but if every race in the world can slag me off as a white english man, then don't expect me not at some point to give it back. If you can't take it, then shut up!

    I say let's not interfere in Africa ever again. Give them their freedom from the west and sit back and watch them, all starve and butcher each other. They want us to stop sticking our noses in, right? So let's make their wishes come true and  hand out no more passports to run away to our rotten racist countries where they hate us anyway. What is wrong with that?

    And then we can watch Africa fall apart and starve in their billions, die of sickness that they haven't the brains to find any cures for unless provided by the west and continue murdering each other over tribal issues like they have for millenia without ever having moved on and say, well at least we stopped interfering just as they asked.

    And who started slavery and sold us slaves in the first place and continue to operate a slave system when the west has grown up and realised that it was wrong? The very people who bleat so much about slavery and use it as an excuse for every vile thing they do.

    The pyramids were built with nubian slaves long befoe britain or america existed and now black men continue to use slaves, particulary female s*x slaves, but we musn't open our mouths and condemn them, must we? No. Only our forefathers who all died long ago have to carry the blame and us their descendants suffer the pathetic excuses of those who haven't joined us in the modern world for their disgusting behaviour. Well not me! No sir.

    Bring it on...

  8. you would have to frightened of your life to vote for mugabe,i think the people were they did not have much choice,poor souls.

  9. Nice one!

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