
Would you have worded this appeal of yahoo immigration rules differently?

by  |  earlier

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If so how please?

Excuse me but how can you get your question answered if you don't " CHAT "? Sometimes you need to ask for a clarification etc. I can understand not saying " Hey how are you today" or something similar but when it pertains to the original question I find your rules anal. Also, one poster had a Chinese wife and I included a statement to him that apologised if I offended him in any way. I find that an appropriate move as Yahoo answers isn't SUPPOSE to be an insulting paradise as you've let it become. I think you need to consider the content more closely before these violations ruin appropriate dialog completely on answers and make everyone afraid to post period. Chatting is certainly an area you need to reconsider when it comes to answers. Thank you ...........Harry

----- Original Message ----

From: Yahoo! Answers <>

Sent: Wednesday, July 9, 2008 9:57:49 AM

Subject: Violation Notice Email




  1. And I wasn&#039;t offended. I can understand people getting frustrated by illegal immigration (I certainly do). I did not believe that your statement was due to racism but rather frustration.

  2. No I wouldn&#039;t have worded it differently, and you will not win the appeal. Calling people out by name is considered chatting and is not allowed. Sadly reporting is the most used feature here.

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