
Would you hire a Nanny to care for your children?

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Would you hire a Nanny to care for your children?




  1. Not without really checking them out. I mean down to what their favorite peanut butter is. LOL Bit over the top.

  2. Absolutely, sometimes it is the best or only choice.

  3. why yes i would but just until they were old enough to start school after that they wouldn't need one.

  4. Already been there and already did it.  I used an English agency and had very good luck.  I had no choice because of my career choice.  BUT....I was always there for soccer and football and basketball and the other good stuff.  I spent quality time with them but a steady Nanny that lived with us and became a member of the family was a much better choice than leaving them with sitters.  She educated them even when they went to private schools, she did things that weren't expected of her and I would recommend to the agency to anyone.  It's a decision I did not regret.

    Love & Peace :)

  5. No. I dont want anyone I dont know anywhere near my kids. Call me overprotective but I dont trust anyone but my wife and close family relatives with my daughter. You can never be to careful.

  6. Never. I wont pay someone to raise my child.

  7. Never...!!....Family should raise their own Children...!!

  8. Sure, why not. If she was a good one with papers and a background of references. If she's a fox that's a big plus too.

    (he he he)

  9. No, I have seen too many horrific videos about that....grrrrr

  10. A babysitter for the night, but never a nanny.

  11. Yes, if I could afford one. I think a nanny would be better then having the kids in daycare.

  12. definitely, usually nannies are taking a break from college, or young kids in search of a career, they are trainable, just make sure you check their background

  13. no i wouldn't even when they were small, even if i could have afforded it, i think all children need there mothers love, Ann

  14. Yes...actually when I lived in Beverly Hills and working as a Communications Expert in Law......I surely hired people to take care of lawn etc.... I even hired someone to transcribe my own writings...I have NO problem with farming out...(just an expression) the work as long as the people are sincere and honest...i was and still am quite problems and though many would disagree with me..the perks of that kind of money is that it helped MANY ...not just my family....btw i was and still am a Great Mother!!!!

    Thanks in advance


    Blue Soliell

  15. If I needed one I would. I'd go through an agency, because there's more security in that. I don't see myself getting a nanny though, I enjoy raising my own kids too much to pay someone else to do it for me.

  16. I always wanted to be there for my children.....there really is no substitute

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