
Would you hire a pregnant baby sitter? ?

by Guest65447  |  earlier

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I'm 26 years old I want to stop working soon. I am 26 weeks pregnant. The job I have as a cocktail server is physically demanding for a pregnant women. I'm on my feet for 7 hours only get 40 min to sit down. I am walking constantly and carrying a heavy tray that is killing my back. Not to mention it is the worst and most meaning less job I have ever had. Good money but not worth it. I would like to baby sit part time or full time till I have my baby in Dec.

What do you think the chances are of getting a baby sitting job while pregnant? would you hire a pregnant women to be your baby sitter? I have 3 years of child care experience and loved working with kids. I'm also good at it. I don't want to stop working but I can't do this job much longer. What other job could you get when you are 6 months pregnant?




  1. Absolutley. I would assume that if they were pregnant that their maternal instinct is in effect and therefore they would want to be around children? Being pregnant also would make me think of somone more as a very demure nuturer, so maybe like an attendent at a spa? Would be easy too! Oh --- congrats!!!

  2. I would hire you as a babysitter being pregnant but u would just have to make sure that there was some way that we would be able to get a hold of each other if and when u went into labor.  I know how it feels being pregnant and  babysitting i babysitting a little boy for 3 years before i got pregnant and i still continued to watch him up until i was 7 months pregnant and the only reason why i stopped was because he has put me into premature labor 3 months early and the hours that i worked was from 3 am to 4 or 5 pm during the summer and during the school year it was from 3 am to 7;30 am but i babysit for 7 months so as long as you would take it easy and just be careful what you do you will be alright.  

  3. Depends on how many kids you can take on and at what age. Being pregnant and keeping up with a 2 and 6 year old. I wouldn't hire you because I know that would be rough on you having to chase and watch kids, especially mine who are pretty hyper active. If it's just one child though I think you could handle it. So yeah! Go for it, just don't take on more than your body and mind can handle :)

  4. i would just because seeing u are pregnant i may feel like u would be very caring w/ my child, however u would have to reassure me sooooo much that in case u go into  labo or anythign happens that there is a number to call immediatley.

  5. I don't think you'll have any trouble, especially from women with more than one child. They all cared for little ones while they were pregnant so they know it can be done. Talk about a huge pay cut. Too bad about that part. It is worth it for the comfort and safety of you and your baby though.

  6. I would hire a pregnant babysitter if I felt she could handle the job.  Is this your first pregnancy?  Just wondering how your previous pregnancy were towards the end?  

    Personally I could never have handled it with the physical demands of lifting children, running around all day and never having the chance to go the bathroom!  But everyone's pregnancies are different.  If you can handle it you'll be in that much better shape for labor!  

    If you're looking to work from home check out:  I've been working from home for about six months and I love the flexibility it gives me while being able to add to my income.

    Also have you thought about substitue teaching?  Since you like kids this might be a good fit.  You'll work the days you want and if you need to sit down you can.  Just don't sign up for kindergarten or P.E.! :)

  7. How did you handle that?.. I slept the whole

    I don't see why not, I would however be nervous in the last weeks of pregnancy and prefer that you took it easy.

  8. What better woman to take care of some ones children

    Than another mother or mother to be.

    There are plenty of women with one child and become pregnant and take care of that child till well    honey its time lol

    You know it really is a better situation than a teenager  who more than likely (not All teens) is on the phone with bf  or now days i suppose its on line etc

    Plus you are 26 not 16

    i would rather have you with my kids with the possibility of labor

    Hey doesn't every good baby sitter have the number to the parents and emergency numbers   yepper    When and if your water broke while on the job    Its not a complete emergency  i mean now   Be responsible and if you feel your are starting to dilate  then call  the parents or a prearranged back up

    You ll be fine   have confidence not lack of it  MOM

    best wishes

  9. I think it depends on the age of the children and the time of day you would be with them.  Overnight, or in the evening, at bedtime, sure.  All day with active kids who dont take naps, I dont know.  In the 2nd trimester, it wouldnt be much of an issue.  The third is always crazy.  Some days you are like Super Woman, and can take on the world.  The next day you are like Rip Van Winkle, and have to rest.  Try it for a bit and see what happens.

    Other job - maybe at a call center, where you would be sitting more, as long as you can get up and stretch.  It will be hard to get hired on somewhere that far along.  Sucks, but true.

  10. As far as babysitting, definitely offer yourself to someone with older kids (i.e., none that you'd have to pick up!)...other jobs you might consider are call centers (good pay, no standing, but crazy hours). Or see if your restaurant has another job you can do, maybe hostessing, helping in the kitchen, or bookkeeping, etc.

  11. Thats a tough one, I am a nanny and my husband and i have been considering to try to concieve soon, but i would be afraid that i would lose my job. The ideal would be to stay at my job and bring my baby to work, but i would completely understand if someone werent okay with that. While pregnant, you may be considered a liability to them. They may also realize that at some point you will be in the hospital and need time off at moments notice, or even while you are in with their children. They would also have to consider the aftermath of the birth, are you planning to stay with them, are they okay with you bringing your child? As a mother, your focus will naturally be mostly on your own child, rather than on THEIR kids. Or they may think of it in the other point of view, 'shouldnt she be focusing on her kid, rather than others??'

    **When it comes down to it, a family is most likely to pick someone that they bond with. The connection with the whole family is the most important aspect of the situation. But i have seen ads on craigslist looking for someone who is a SAHM that would like to bring their child or watch the families child in their home. I believe families would look for a SAHM for the social experience and the fact that the caregiver is a mother.

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