
Would you hire someone that has a retail theft felony in their backround?

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2 years ago me and a couple of friends were caught stealing cd's out of borders books and music, however i was sentenced to 2 years probation. i've now successfully completed my probation without getting into anymore trouble,i was young dumb and hanging with the wrong crowd, i can honestly say i've learned my lesson




  1. Honestly, no. Not unless I knew that person on a personal basis and was sure that they were rehibilitated. Otherwise, the only thing employers have to go on is what is in black and white.

    I'm not saying you're a bad person by any means, we all make mistakes. But it's hard enough finding a job w/ a clean record for the most part. You're basically seen as a risk. Kind of like loaning money to someone w/ bad credit. You have to be able to see it from their point of view as well.

    Good luck though!

  2. well  not really

    becuase i would think u would  steal again but i 'll probably give u a chance but keep u  on check

  3. I would hire you but not to any position of trust.  You might as well forget about anything in retail or dealing with any kind of money or going into people's homes or any computer access or any private information.  Give it a few more years and you might be able to convince people you've changed but you just don't seem all that much older and wiser after only 2 years.

  4. Not knowing you and the kind of person that you are, I would have to say no because all a employer has to go on is your background and not knowing you all that say is untrust worthy

  5. 2 years ago? that is not too long ago, but i am glad you learned your lesson. there are employers who might hire you despite the record you have. personally i would not.

  6. I would disclose this to any potential employers especially if they are going to do a police check. This way you get the chance to explain that you were young and dumb.

    If they are not going to run a check on you just dont' tell them

  7. Yes especially if you explain the situation in such a well spoken way like your question.  There are people out there willing to look past such things especially since there are a lot of people who have made stupid mistakes.  But be prepared for small minded, small hearted people who will not even consider you.  Don't give up and don't lose heart.

    I wish you luck

  8. If the retail theft charges were years ago when they were younger and they had'nt had any charges since then, I would. I would also be more likely to hire them if the person was up-front and honest with me at the interview and explained what happened. I know many people who had run-ins with the law after making bad decisions in their youth, but they are trustworthy and responsible employees now.

    If the charges were recent, or there was more than one charge and it was combined with drug charges, I would not. Retail thefts combined with drug charges usually indicates that the person had a drug problem and they were trying to support it by shoplifting.

    If you are worried about these charges affecting your chance of getting hired, then you should go about the process of trying to get your record expunged. It takes a while, but if you explain that that was just a stupid thing done in your youth and you have'nt done anything similar since, they may erase your record for you. You may have to wait a few more years before you attempt this though, to show that you could still behave yourself even though your probation was over.

  9. Stay away from retail. No one will trust you with the register.

  10. no I wouldn't

  11. My husband has felonies from when he was 15 and they still haunt him. I wouldn't bother with a retail job anymore... try finding a differnt line of work. Maybe pest control or warehouse workers? They are paid more anyhow and sometimes they don't do background checks. Be honest though and tell the interviewer how you have changed and they may hire you. Good luck!

  12. I think it depends on what kind of job you are trying to get.  If you want to work for a school, or the Dallas PD, or the CIA, they may not let you.  What are you trying to get a job doing?

  13. It would all depend on the job I was hiring for, and how well you were able to convince me that you had really changed.

  14. Everyone deserves a second chance, especially with something as minimal as shop lifting while you were in your teens.  I'd say we all need to learn to forgive passed mistakes of others and help them move and carry on in that pathway of righteousness.. with that said if it was my store h**l No I wouldn't hire you! :)  but someone else might so smile.

  15. If you were young when it happened and expressed regret, I'd probably take a chance on you.


  17. if you can show that youre trustworthy and have good character i dont see why one mess up would keep you from getting a descent job

  18. Who cares it was borders, you should have stolen something better though.  I would hire you- who would steal from their own work....ha. Cheers man

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