
Would you hire someone who is completely covered with tattoos?

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Would a high school teacher be ostracized? How about a pizza delivery person? Is a person's ability to make money affected by tattoos? What do you think?




  1. sadly there is a lot of tattoo discrimination  

  2. If it was a job where they were qualified, I would hire them in a heartbeat. I have quite a few and have never had a problem. I'm sure people with tattoo's get looked over all the time. It's not right and in no way has any bearing on how good or bad their work ethic is.

  3. Unfortunately it does matter depending on what the job is. Tats are becoming more accepted but there is still people out there that shun them. Pizza delivery no prob, high school teacher h**l no, banker, h**l no. That's life. Get them somewhere you can cover them up.  

  4. would i hire some1 who is covered with tattoos umm yea i would unless they had more than i do then i might get jelious see thats the problem with the world judging books by the cover instead of reading the foreword of the author

  5. Kinda...I would ask them questions about they're life and try not to judge him, as I would want to be treated fairly as well

  6. sadly, having tattoo's can keep you from getting some jobs. It's an image thing, and some businesses have a specific image they go for. Always best to keep tattoo's where they can be covered (no neck, hands, or anywhere a shirt and skirt can't cover)

  7. Dude...tattooes are art.

  8. PERSONALLY I would. Depending on my company. Tattoos mean nothing. BUT Its professional in the work place to cover them up. I had a manager that had tats, but he had to cover them for work. They were on his hand from the marines. Anyway nothing wrong with them just be nice if your job requires you to cover them. Its for the professional appearance of the company. Nothing against you. BUT I think people should get over it. BUT I am a graphic designer so its the norm.

  9. yes, a person's ability to make money is affected by tattoos. I have plenty, and am turned down by so many places b/c of the way that I look. What's really sad is that I am a hard worker and loyal employee and have glowing recommendations from all my past employers...but companies will look right past that and think I'm some sort of deadbeat freakshow.

    That's why I'm starting my own business - so I can prove that someone with a "different" appearance can earn a successful living, and that my tattoos have nothing to do with it!

  10. i would hire a female completely covered in tattoos

  11. Depending on the occupation, being totally covered with tattoos might be good or bad, but in MOST occupations it would be bad, such as teacher or pizza delivery person.  It would be a plus if you worked in a tattoo parlour or were a tv wrestler or a circus performer.

  12. sadly alot of places do...which is b.s. in my opinion!!!! its just like not hiring someone because they are black or Chinese or whatever!!! people w/ tattoos can work and think just as hard as people w/o!!!

  13. Employees are representatives of their employer(s). If an employee can effectively represent his or her employer while covered completely with tattoos, then that person's ability to make money would, obviously, not be affected. However, if an employee who is visibly covered in tattoos needed to appear professional (ex: sales, teaching, ministry, etc), his or her ability to make money would likely be affected negatively by the tattoos.

  14. In my opinion, I would say it would depend on the professionalism of the job or who you are working with.  You would probably scare people working in a nursing home, but fit right in a high school.

    You wouldn't fit in a high end fashion store, but the music store would love to have you.

    P.S. I'm not covered in them, but I have tattoos.

  15. If they were qualified for the job that I was offering, if I did not hire that person then it would be clear discrimination (unless there are uniform rules that are legal that apply).

  16. i'm not biased, so yeah i would hire someone covered in tattoos.

    probably not all over the face though... lmao :)

  17. Unfortnately, tattoos are still considered taboo by the general public.  The stigma has been lifted some, but heavily tattooed people are still looked down upon.  I don't think it's fair to judge someone by the ink on their skin.  It has gotten better, but most places make you cover your tattoos up, so if you are heavily tattooed, it is harder to do that. I have two and I am forced to cover mine up at work.  

  18. It depends on the job.I allways sugest only where your short sleves can cover it.I think high school teachers should be required some sort of torturtrus initiatin b4 hiring!(and after 5 mispelled words a spelling test lol)

  19. I think so because it would look as if they would always be in party mode. And would be unable to concentrate on their job, when it's difficult... I  know its not always true but that's what it looks like..  

  20. i dont know. some teachers in my school have tattoos. but yeah some people wouldnt huret hem because of that. but i would hire someone if they were qualified.

  21. If u have acouple that's not visable I would hire u but if u had sleeves I would laugh & say get out of my office. They want their employees to be presentable.  

  22. everyone I work with has a ton of tattoos, then again, I work in a tattoo shop.  And yes, people lookat us funny when we go to nice restaurants, but, every year, tattoos are getting more and more commonplace, and more accepted

  23. Most professional jobs, excessive visible tattoos would be a deterrent to being hired.  The exceptions are: Professional tattoo artist, Professional wrestler, Professional basketball player.  Other than that, limited tatooing is preferable.  

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