
Would you hire two responsible 12 year olds to babysit your kids?

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I know these two girls who want to babysit.. this is the flyer they made. Tell me if it sounds appealing.

Let us introduce ourselves. We're ******* and *******. You can reach us at ********** or **********. The best time to call is from ****-***. Our rate of pay is very manageable. We mostly take offers. We are generally available to babysit Mon- Sun. We have been babysitting for about 6 years each and are certified babysitters. We have babysat children from 1-8 years of age. We baby sit because we think it is fun to play with children. We also babysit to help the parents do what they need to get done. We offer to cook meals the time being we are there with snacks included. We offer to clean the messes that occur and anything you would want us to. For exanple, we will change diapers, do the dishes, clean rooms, vacuum, bathrooms, kitchen, ect.

If you would prefer it, we will come a day earleir or an hour earlier to get to know each other and the children.

Thank you,





  1. It sounds very professional.  Based off of that, I would say yes.

    But I do know 12 year olds, and I wouldn't be sure just because of their age.  If they were to babysit together, though, I'd think it'd be okay.

  2. I started babysitting when I was 12. I would say you need to meet them first and then decide. I would maybe walk out of the room with my child in there and see what they do or say with them also.

  3. They've been babysitting since they were 6?

    One of your first baby sitters was recommended by a friend of someone I grew up with. She was 14 years old, certified... seemed great on paper but then I found out, she'd put my son in the stroller and go hang out down on the corner with her gangster wanna be boyfriend. When I found that out, I freaked. Needless to say, good solid references are a MUST for me now! I prefer a child of someone I know myself, or someone who has sat for my good friends.

    Now, I'm very blessed. There is a family @ our church. Five kids, from 7 to 17 years old. They ALL baby sit, for myself and about 1/2 of the congregation. The two oldest are 17 and 16 and they are capable by themselves (these two also work in the church nursery Sundays wednesdays and thursdays). The middle child is 12 and babysitting certified, but always brings one of the two youngest for extra help and extra fun. For the most part, they sit while I work. My shifts are short (4 hours average) and I only work about a mile from home. My son is 4 so he needs minimal "work". They mostly just play, give him lunch/snack, make sure he doesn't fall into the toilet or burn the house down. If he was still a baby, I would only have the oldest two sit. When I go out in the evening, I only have the oldest two sit. It works perfectly for us. AND it's something I am comfortable with.

    How old is your child (ren) ? are the girls co-babysitting or do they work seperately? Do they have references?

    Whatever the case, evalutate if you think they can handle your kid(s) based on their ages and your child's age. If you think they are capable, have the girls over when you are home for a "trail run." If they are cobabysitting have them come together, if not, have them come @ different times.

    If you are not comfortable with them, start asking around. Ask family in town, friends and neighbors who sits for them... Ask coworkers.

    Good Luck!

  4. You do realize they are 12 and are saying they have babysat for 6 years...since they were 6???? That's obviously a lie. I personally wouldn't hire someone that young unless I knew tem already and/or they were family. And even then probably not. But this also depends on the age of children they are watching & how many. Under 4 no-way. I probably wouldn't let anyone under 16 watch my 2yr old.

  5. They seem really mature for being 12!. I would give them a try.. they sound like good girls.. and I would definatly have them come over like a day before to get to know them some.

    good luck!

  6. I would do it get to know them first!!!

  7. It certainly does sound professional!  I wonder about the 6 years each experience too - maybe they meant 6 years altogether, although that would have them babysitting at 9 years old which is still pretty fishy.  I would interview them and ask for references - parents that they have babysat for in the past.  If they have as much experience as they claim to, it shouldn't be a problem for them to provide names and numbers.

  8. i would talk to there parents first to see what they have to say cuz if something happens to ur kids then the parents will say well y did u let a 12 yr old babysit for u,so do more research first and then make a choice cuz truthfully speaking i definetly would NOT.

  9. No.  12 is the new 8.

  10. i think you should since im only 13

  11. as with everyone else who has stated this fact. i too would be iffy on the six years of experience thing. another thing is that being a "certified" babysitter doesn't mean much other than that they sat through a CPR class. I started babysitting my little brother when i was 12 and he was 8. If i were you i wouldnt have anyone that young babysit your child(ren) unless you know them. Especially if your child(ren) are young (as in under 3 or 4) because as you know kids like that need SO much attention, and if you have multiple that can only mean disaster in the end. Personally, i would just stick to teens in your family or teens you get to know through friends or out reach programs! good luck!

  12. Yes...but part of their flyer sounds a little iffy.

    What 12 year old has been baby-sitting for 6 years?

    Who lets a little kid of 6 years of age baby-sit another little kid?

    Definitely question them about that before you hire them.

    Because if that's not true, what else might not be true?

    You might want to go for older baby-sitters...because 12 is the youngest age allowed for baby-sitting.

    Which makes it even more fishy that they've been baby-sitting for 6 years.

  13. If they are twelve but have been baby sitting for six years....I wouldn't hire them right away. I would need to meet them in person and find out how responsable and mature they are. The way the dress, they talk, etc.  and if I did hire them I wouldn't let them in charge for more than 2hrs the first time. How do you get a certificate of baby sitting when you're 12 anyway?

  14. would you be able to parent at age 12?

    What if something bad happened. How would you feel then, about having allowed a 12 year old CHILD, babysit your, ummmm, CHILD?

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