
Would you holiday in northern italy (Lake Garda, Florance, Pisa) without booking accomodation?

by Guest33785  |  earlier

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I will be going with a family of 4 and am considering not booking and simply finding accomodation as I go.




  1. i always book ahead when bringing the children

  2. I would definatey go for it, fly by the seat of your pants are always the best holidays! You meet great people and stay in places you wouldn't normally...

    I don't have kids so it's difficult to comment on that but if they are are old enough to walk around on their own etc I'm sure it will be fine.

    The best thing to do would be to get a comprehensive guide book for the area such as Lonely Planet (or Lonely b*****d as we nicknamed it on a recent trip to Morocco. It will list accomodation for all budgets.

    Hope this helps.


  3. You could but being a large group you might have trouble getting accommodation together in one hotel.

    If you book in advance you will have a greater choice.

    Try or one of the many other hotel booking sites and for peace of mind pre book which will also save you the hassle of trying to find accommodation when you arrive.

    source :

  4. I live in northern Italy,Venice area.Normally I do that when I visit a big city for Florence and pisa I guess you won't find any trouble but in lake Garda in some periods it's very busy and you might have problems finding an accommodation.

  5. The important question is when are you going? If you are going in the summer tourist season I would book ahead. You might find places as long as you aren't too particular and don't expect traditional up scale hotels. However if you travel offseason as we do, there is no problem finding places on the go and we do it all the time. Calling ahead from one site before going to the next is a good idea however.

  6. It depends on the time of the year. I would not do this May thru September. These are extremly busy months and hotels are usually booked months in advance. If you are planning to do this in November thru March you would probably be ok. You will defiently be able to find accomodations but you may spend more/less than you want to. Last time I was in Florence I booked a hotel online prior to going. When I got their the air conditioning was broken and I couldn't take the heat so I left the hotel and went to find another accomodations. The only hotel that I could find with availabilty was $400 a night. I paid I but I hated to do it.

    One thing to think about is you will be able to find cheaper accomodations online. If you don't care too much about your budget then you should be fine.

    Have a great vacation! :)

  7. I would not reccomend if the family of four include children.

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