
Would you if you were setup - obviously?

by  |  earlier

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Would you have s*x with "the babysitter" ? Been married years, wife cant have s*x due to a medium term health issue, and the babysitter is an adult 28 - striking tall athletic etc. It seems I was set-up. I had given sitter a neck massage w wife present after a sports strain - well - heres the scoop - all kids at friends, we are going out later and wife announced she was going shopping for 2 hours and would not be back before then (This was weird) said sitter would be coming early and wanted a massage so shower now (even weirder). So I'm in the shower 5 min. and sitter is knocking on bathroom door and says I'll be out here when you come out. I come out with just a summer robe and she's on the floor, laid out towel, and from clothes in pile I can see she doesn't have much if anything on. well a massage started she suggested I straddle her legs, well with just a robe and well = you get the idea - I stop and say I'm not comfortable she says wont be home till 5 - was I set up -what u do ?




  1. bang the c**p outta her and find another sitter. Im sorry but your wife had to have known whats was going on. She knew about the massages and such?? like i said get sum and then fire her. Good luck :)

  2. Nope.

    I'm not trying to pass a value judgment, but there is such a thing as right and wrong.

    1) You're married (and NOT to the babysitter)

    2) Life is not all about you

    3) How is this affecting the babysitter

    4) Even if she approves, (unknown) how does this affect your relationship with your wife?

    5) Same question.......your kids?

    6) Same question......your friends?

    7) Would you be able to live with yourself?  (I couldn't hence my answer).


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