
Would you invite Bill and Hillary over to Dinner?

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Would you invite Bill and Hillary over to Dinner?




  1. No.

    If they invited me I'd go, but I would never invite them here.

  2. Are you freeeeecking kidding me???? They ripped off the White House when they lived there.... I would be really afraid to have any cigars laying around with Slick Willy, plus she might wink at me too, she has L*****n tendencies. ( That is Not a slam to lesbians, I have lots of L*****n friends)

  3. I'd probably go have a beer with Bill- who doesnt love a good storyteller? I wouldnt associate with Hillary at all and I wouldnt invite either to my house

  4. yea right thats all i need is a couple of blowhards to ruin my appetite

  5. Sure. Then I'd have to find some way to make money off it. Besides the guests.

  6. Absolutely

  7. Sure but I would need to hide my bong and my stash first and burn insence or spray lots of air freshener. On second thought Bill might wanna do a couple bong hits with me even if he don't inhale.

  8. Yes & I'd order in Chinese: D

  9. Yes, I would; and if they accepted, I would be very excited but also quite intimidated.  I would worry that I wouldn't be able to keep up with such intellectual minds.

  10. No.  Even if I did, I doubt they would come.  They would probably classify my apartment as a slum.

  11. I WOULD, but I'm nt a big fan of the drinking of virgins' blood...

  12. yes

  13. why?

    they have more money than me,so I would happily wait for their invitation.

  14. well i would  just to see what the h**l would happend and so i could try to kill them both

  15. no, because he'd probably bang my wife when i wasn't paying attention.

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