
Would you invite somebody you thought/knew was going to embarrass you to your wedding?

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This is just a personal question, not necessarily advice. I was just watching an episode where Monk (tv show, you don't need to know it though) goes to a wedding and basically embarrasses himself a few times.

So I was thinking, if I love them, or am close to them, I would want them there, but you only get married once (unless you get a divorce) so I can see how people wouldn't want anything to ruin it. So, would you invite somebody that might embarrass you to the extreme?






  1. Nope. It is a special day for the bride and groom.  

    Rude or embarrassing relatives don't belong .....

  2. Why would any adult embarrass another? Seems to me, that if a person is acting up at a wedding the only person that should be embarrassed is HIM or HERSELF.. and not the person who invited him or her...    Besides, a little spice at a wedding is always a good thing... If this person were a close relative or friend, would you want to hurt their feelings so badly by NOT inviting them???   Sure it's YOUR special day,  but for some reason, this embarrassing person is "special" to you so he or she SHOULD be at your wedding regardless... and let the chips fall where they may.

  3. I didn't.  My dad's sister and her husband make a spectacle of themselves wherever they go, and I didn't want to inflict them on us or our guests on our wedding day so I didn't.

  4. Well, I have a mixed view on this. 1... people can only ruin things with your ok. If you don't let anything get you down and you laugh off that someone's car alarm went off, or the cake collapsed in on itself, then it didn't ruin your day.

    2 If I knew someone rude or mean would come and just say nasty things or cause a scene (my mom's sister is an attention w h**e and she takes a lot of drugs, when I get married she will not be invited or even told as far as my mouth is concerned) I wouldnt' even invite them.

  5. I don't have the guts not to invite them...they are close family ;-)

    My sister and I often try and think up elaborate wedding plans where we just have one bit for close family and the other for 'guests'. Some way to overcome it. Ah but you know in the end they will end up coming...oh well.

  6. Truly I cant imagine hurting someone like that. If I thought about inviting them to my wedding in the first place then obviously they are important to my fiance or myself.  Even though you only have one wedding day, its not worth losing a friend over.  

  7. I would invite all of my relatives because I don't find them embaressing- that's really immature.

  8. No! Not on the most important day of my life.

  9. If it was someone like Monk, I would. I love that show. He has a disorder, and can't control his compulsions. if I was friends with him, I wouldnot be embarrassedd and would already be used to that behavior (or as used to it as you can be).

    If it was someone who did things on purpose, well usually if there was question of being invited it would be because you had to. If it was a silly aunt, I would have to invite her unless I excluded all other aunts/uncles. If it was just some random friend/ friend of the family that would be showing up high on acid and would be chasing imaginary pink ferrets down the aisle, they would probably not receive an invitationn.

  10. Depends on how easily embarrassed you are, and if you could laugh anything off.  Also of course how important this person is to you. Distant cousin..nah...Brother or Sister...yeah probably should include them.

  11. well if i avoided the people that embarrassed me then my husband wouldn't have been there lol husband made the most embarrassing speech about how we met but it turned out to be hilarious and if those people have enough respect for you they know where to draw the line. Plus the perfect day doesn't mean everyone has to be on their best behavior ..after the traditional stuff it's fun to just kick back and celebrate!! Trust me, no matter what goes wrong you just end up laughing about it because you can't control everything!! Invite the people you love :)

  12. I did not want to invite my MIL's husband, can't stand the man and was afraid he would have a fist fight with my FIL.  Well, she insisted that if her husband wasn't invited, she wasn't coming and my hubby didn't want to get married without his mom there.  Turns out the guy was smoking weed in the parking lot which three of my guests/friends witnessed and mentioned to me.  So I was definitely embarrassed and still hold it against him.

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