
Would you join a club that educates people about Asperger's?

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Would you join a club that educates people about Asperger's?




  1. Yes seeing as how a friend of mine is sure her son has it. I would love to know if some of the things he does is aspergers or him being a brat. I think some of it is bratty child syndrome.

    I do believe he has it but some of the things he does are just things brats do.

  2. Yes. One is hearing so much about it in the media right now, and I think a club that would really help people separate the wheat from the chaff would be beneficial both to those with Asperger's and those suspected of having it,  because it has seemingly become the trendy new diagnosis. Please understand this is not intended to offend anyone with Asperger's; I would just sincerely like to know more about what it is -- and what it is not.

  3. I might.

  4. i'm not real familiar about asperger's disease.i know that it's a developmental disorder and that treatment is usually directed at the symptoms. it's a lot like autism and doctor's think they might be related. that's about all i know about it. i don't think i'd join a club, but it's a good idea. there are so many rare disorders and diseases and people should be aware of them.

    i have syringomyelia and chiari malformation and hardly anybody knows what that is.(it's a central nervous system disorder)  treatment for it is also directed at the symptoms, such as extreme pain, numbness and tingling in the extremities, headaches. and it affects my sight, balance, fine motor skills, my lungs and my heart, to name a few.

    i'm all for educating people about rare diseases, but i'm sure nobody would be interested in a syringomyelia club.

  5. I have aspergers and it really amazes me how much differently neurotypicals think.  Parents of aspies seem puzzled when their kids freak out when they are forced to wear new clothes.  The list goes on.  I an currently studying to be a nurse and such things might be in my future as nurse educators are common.

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