
Would you join a club that is trying to replace all f's with ph's? Also please explain?

by  |  earlier

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This club is called "Phish" and the goal is to replace all f's with ph's for several reasons. First, it would cause much less confusion. Instead of debating whether if was spelled "fluffy" or "phluphphy" you would just know. And second of all, it eliminates one aspect of the English language that makes absolutely no sense: why they both f's AND ph's exist. Please express your opinions!




  1. No I wouldn't join a club like that because it sounds like a club for idiots, why would such a club exist unless some 3rd grades created it just for kicks and giggles.

  2. No, I would not join - down with language n***s.

    On a logical level: why replace one letter with two letters thus making words longer and take more time writing each word? Wouldn`t it, if you want to exchange something, be easier to replace all "ph's" by "f's"?

    So there goes your confusion argument. Your second point isn't logical either, I'm afraid, contact your local linguistics department. Language is arbitrary and shaped by the people who use it. Or put differently, language is NOT logically structured.

    If you want to introduce a language in your club that is logically structured, has hardly any or no "useless" letters and makes it easy for you to "just know" how to speak and write it: start a Latin club. Alea iacta est. There you go.  

  3. Sure!  I never liked fs and I love ph.  Besides, phluphphy looks cool.  The reason they both exist is because language is a very arbitrary thing.

  4. If 'ph' replaced only 'f's then what about the words 'laughter' and 'trough'.  Would you also have to replace 'gh'?  And if you replaced 'gh' with 'ph' then 'trough' would become 'troph' but 'daughter' would become 'daphter' and nobody would know what that word was...

    I say let's stick with 'f's.  Then kids in school wouldn't have to get a PH in spelling.  They'd still get an F.  

  5. i like how i write my f's. no i wouldn't join that group. why change the spelling that's already here? why make every word with an f longer?

  6. Wouldn't it make more sense the other way around? But no, i wouldn't. English is a stupid language and nothing makes sense in it! it would be a completely different language if our writing worked phonetically!

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