
Would you just honk and drive around a toddler in the street?

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I just heard on the news a 33 year old mother in Sarasota has been arrested for neglect because her 1 year old who was left home alone for a few minutes ended up in the street with cars going around her and honking their horns. The mom will get what she deserves, but what's bothering me a lot more is all the people in the cars who just swerved around the baby, honked (which probably scared her even more) and just kept going!!!!!! In my opinion they should all be arrested. What the h**l were they thinking?????? What would you have done?




  1. NO WAY! I would have parked. Picked up the child. And found her parents. Probably would have called the cops - kinda depends on the situation. I know how fast a toddler can sneak out of sight.

  2. Likely what I do when I see a Mommy duck and her babies attempting the four lane highway in front of our house.  LOL.  I stand by them and walk along when they do to cross the road.  Cars honk and beep at me, but in the end the ducks all living to me was worth it. If I saw a toddler in the road, I'd stop my car on the side, get out and pick up the child.  I'd then hold onto that kid and call for the police from a neighbours phone.  I'd feel SOOOO responsible if I just drove on to later find out that the kid was hit and killed.  I can't believe people are so F-ing dumb like that.  What is the world coming to?

  3. Same thing I do when I spot a turtle in the road or an escaped horse - I'd have stopped and got the child out of the street!

  4. They were probably trying to get the kid's mom's attention by showing that the kid almost got hit by them. It was pretty dumb of them to just leave the kid in the street like that, though.  

  5. no way. if i could not see an adult as i drove by i would pull over and pick the kid up and probably go door to door asking whose kid it was. that baby could have been killed and it was wrong of those people who drove by and thought "that's not my kid, not my problem."  

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