
Would you just stand there if this happened to your child?

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If your daughter or son told you that they were being molested by your boyfriend,mother/father,sister/brother,c... stranger or even their own mother/father,would you care enough to try to help them or would you just accuse them of lying and shut them out and let them continue to be abused?

I am asking because year after year i hear about kids

that actually did tell their parent or legal guardian what was

happening and no one did anything to stop it.That is so freakin'





  1. I would investigate the situation thoroughly before making accusations. Sometimes children have a reason for making things up. Then I would go to prison for assaulting this person, for doing such a thing!

  2. I would immediately believe my child because I have taught them from an early age that no one ever touches them in there private places!! Then the heck with the police I would kill whomever laid a hand on my child!!!!!

  3. I would def belive my child! and take them out of harms way

    its a very sad issue and do not wish that upon n e one

  4. i am raising my 2 grandchildren because their mom died and their dad was molesting their older stepsister and she did tell her mom several months before his arrest and only 1 day after they told me she did not believe her i did and called the police i also had my grandchildren tell their teacher i would recommend any kids to keep telling the teachers they can do the most about it he is now serving 11 1/2 to 40

  5. children wud not make such a horrible lie up, why would they? they dont know if thats right or wrong, i wud always believe my child if they even acted weird i would question her. i wouldnt leave her alone with a stranger especially men, thats why its so important to teach children from 5 onwards about all this things , so they know and report it.

  6. this is a given i would back my child up all the way and would be very vocal about it they should hang molesters not put them back in society to do it again...if worse came to worse i may have to do it myself

  7. I think I'd be in prison and the b*stard who layed a finger on my kid would be dead. I'd try not to do anything stupid of course but I don't think I'd be able to help myself.

  8. Stop acting all high and mighty.

    you said something similar about me and you don't even know me. I would help them out becuase letting the abuse continue would be selfish, wrong, and effect them psycholigically and emotionally for a  long time.

    talking S**t online doesn't make you cool.

    you're the one who's pathetic.

  9. If ANYONE told me something was going on like that, I wouldnt even ask questions I would just turn the person in.  You cannot chance that something like that is really going on.  The world is to dangerous.  Sometimes people turn out not to be the person you thought they were.

  10. NO!

    My kid... I am killing someone.

    Someone else's kid... I am probably still killing someone

  11. Absolutely, I would take action.   I had a family member (an alcoholic) make a false accusation, but believe me, we  investigated it very methodically, which did include encouraging the child to talk about anything and everything without pressuring her, and involving the pediatrician and a counselor to get some expert guidance.   We were prepared to accept the truth, whatever it was, and took no chances in the meantime.

  12. Well, i'd believe my child first, ask questions later. My children are the most important pple in my life, they come first, always.

  13. I know this seems to be extremely common with Step parents especially when the real parent was having finacial problems, I think this is horrible. There is no way in h**l I'd call them a liar of course I'd look into it but I wouldn't just ignore it and get mad at them. Things like that you should be able to tell from the reaction of the child.

  14. Yeah.  Sure, you can love your husband, but you're children  are a part of you.  You're SUPPOSED to love them more, and put them first. they are in a more helpless situation anyways.  I'd take them to a doctor and investigate it before i pointed fingers, but i would still take that kind of thing very seriously

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