
Would you keep a friend like this??

by  |  earlier

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she always complaining,talking about people, and try to bring people down by hurting their feelings...she did not come to any of my deceased family members funeral to support me.. i attended all her deceased relatives funerals and I'm always there when she need me...i went threw a terrible break up and all she did was make me feel worst...she never thinks positive and she always say things like she wish she die....she missed my bday celebration and all of my daughters bday you think i should terminate our friendship...and how to do it??? please help




  1. I have an ex like that. The best thing you can do is to cut all contact with her. See if she even cares enough to check up on you. If she does and seems sincere, be honest with her and give her a last chance. I doubt she deserves one though.

  2. the best thing to do first is to talk to her.see if she is still willing to be a good friend.if you could give her one more chance to prove it, i think you should,but if i were you, i will have to consider terminating your friendship. a good friend always supports you no matter what,she doesn't deserve you as a friend.find someone who understands you and is always willing to help you with everything.i mean,if the friendship is not worth it,then why not end it.

  3. I have terminated friendships due to them being such a negative energy.  I just quit answering their phone calls and avoiding them.  They either want to talk about, which will give you the opportunity to tell her how you feel, or, they will seem to not notice, in which case, you did the right thing.

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