
Would you keep twins in the same class for Kindergarden or separate them?

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I have 4 year old twins and they will be 5 in Aug. They start Kindergarten in Sept. I have to decide if they should be in the same class or separate them. ANY HELP? THANKS!!




  1. by separating them you could help them to start developing their own separate personalities and idiosyncracies.

    by keeping them together you could help them maintain their twin bond and foster that relationship which might make transition to Kindergarten easier at first.

  2. Separate the twins as it will help them to develop their own individuality more. They are together at home or even if they are in daycare. Some schools like to separate them to encourage them to develop independently.

  3. kind of depends on if they rely on each other or if one influences the other. It's usually in the children's best interest to separate them because it's practically impossible to not have one be the leader and one be the follower.  Good luck.

  4. Definitely separate them. I have twins in my pre-k class this year and it has caused a lot of problems. Their mom dresses them alike so no one can tell them apart. That has me, them, and the other kids frustrated. We were playing a game the other day where the kids said a classmate's name and threw a beanbag to them. No one threw it to the twins because they didn't know which one was which. Also they rarely play with the other kids and really haven't made any other friends. I limit the amount of kids in each center during play time and if they aren't able to play together they sit and pout rather than playing. I also have problems with one of the twins following the other. She won't so anything unless her sister does it first and even checks what her sister is eating before deciding what food to eat for breakfast. Then there are the typical sibling problems. They occasionally fight with each other and band together to create problems. Don't get me wrong they are wonderful children but I don't think either child has been able to develop to their full potential since they are in the same class. Please, please, please give your twins the chance to become their own, unique individuals by putting them in separate classes.

  5. seperate because if you keep them in the same class they will only hang out with each other but seperating them they can make new friends and at the end of the day they can chill with each other

  6. I think it would be better if you separated them because if you keep them together they might just play with each other and if you have them apart they will soicialize more with other children.....

  7. to much hassle.


    Unless they have diff marks

  8. I personally would keep them together, if the school would allow.  Then have a detailed conference about the matter at the end of the first quarter.  (Most schools offer this at least.)  If you realize you made a mistake, then I would change one.  I can imagine some people saying "Change classes in the beginning of the year?!"  The child is already used to the school at that point, etc.  The transition would be easier than later.  

    You can decide on first grade, based on this year and don't forget to ask the kids.  By then, they'll have an opinion, too.

  9. I think separating them would be better because Anne is right, one is always the leader and the other the follower. a lot of times, they always play together, so they would have a better chance of making other friends too if they're separate. If they're used to being together everyday, the day one of them is sick and doesn't go to school, the other one has a miserable day.

    When they're in the same class,they also worry a lot about what the other one is doing and they keep looking over to them instead of doing their own thing. Plus they probably spend a lot of time together anyway, and can you imagine they would be spending all day at school together and then all evening at home, they probably would need a break from each other at some point.

    I also think that they would have more to say to you and to each other if they were in separate classes, cause they can talk about stuff they did in class and about their friends.

    At the end of the day you know your kids better than anyone and i'm sure you'll make the right choice for your family.

  10. You know your twins best, but in my opinion, keep them in the same class. If a problem arises, you have somewhere to go. They may achieve greater success if there is a comfort for them. They will face separation that is greater than single birth children. First from you and then from each other. Make a change after first or second grade when they can understand the need for independence.

  11. I would say separate. If they are always together, they will feel no need to interact with other kids. They will most likely keep to themselves. If you separate them, they'll have a change to meet some new friends that have the same interest as them. That doesn't mean they won't be able to talk! They'll have plenty at time to bond with eachother at home.  That's why I would keep them separate. =D


    I have never had to deal with this issue but found this great set of posts from parents with multiples who ask this same question.  I read most of them and I am glad you asked this because now I have some information for the future. I hope this helps you.

    Please tell me (anybody)how to copy an address where it is blue and you can visit it?  I am horrible on the computer and want to do this for people like in this post? I see everybody else doing it....what am I doing wrong?

    Thanks everybody for all the answers

  13. In my school district twins are separated which seems to be really good for both children because they learn to be known as a whole rather than as a team.  The only difficulty I noticed was for the parents where they often have to run from one classroom to another.  Other school districts keep twins together; I'm sure they have a good reason as well.

  14. Overall I tend to recommend that they are separated.  However it depends on the children.  Have these children been in any sort of preschool?  How did they react in the same classroom?  If they are very close and will not play with other children this can be a bit of an issue in Kindergarten.  Is it an option to have them in two classes?  We only have one Kindergarten in our school so that wouldn't be an option for us.  Discuss this with the Kindergarten teachers...they can help you with this!  They are your best bet!

  15. separate

  16. I am a twin.  My brother and I were always in the same class, until we graduated elementary school.  We are very close, but we did go our different ways.  I think you should let them be together. When they grow up a little more, they should decide on their own.

  17. My twin sister and I  were always in the same class in the pre-school grades and all during elementary schools. We did in fact take different eductaional routes, but being in the same class did allow us to make a bond which is irreplacable. Now we are each pusuing different things and each have friends beyond each other. So, in my opinion I advocate same classes!

  18. I think you should separate them, because if you put them together, they will never learn how to depend on their selves. They won't have to have everything they do the same. Plus, you will also have a benefit of not having to tell each of them apart!

  19. Well if they would talk and gossip then maybe you should separate them. But if they stay together they might become even better friends.

  20. separate them... they may feel a bit anxious, but it's much better for them to develop as individuals.

  21. You should separate them so they can brach out and meet new friends. At first they'll be anxious, but they'll make good friends and be more independent.

  22. Most schools have a rule that does not allow twins or siblings to be in the same classroom.  

    Preschool this is allowed, but not kindergarten or higher.

  23. Most families I know with twins, like two separate classes for them. Helps them develop a bit individually. Later on as they get older, I think it's not such a big deal. But for the primary grades, it is.

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