
Would you kick someone in the head if they were grappling with your friend?

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The consensus on this forum seems to be that if you go to the ground in any fight, dozens of your opponent's friends will instantly materialize and start kicking you while you are down. Apparently there are no one-on-one fights in real life (despite the hundreds on youtube and the many I have witnessed in my life...). So, if your friend got into a fight, and it went to the ground, would you immediately jump in and start kicking the other guy in the head? Just curious.




  1. When I was a kid (I am 39 now), your friends didn't jump into the fights.  I don't think we were caught up in the whole "fair fight" thing, I just think we were raised differently and somewhere in the back of our minds we remembered being taught by our fathers that when you fight someone, win or lose, you shake their hand after.

    I remember hearing stories from my father as a child about a fight he had been in and afterward they bought each other a beer.  I doubt that happened as I think a lot of people have heard that.  I think it was just a way of my father saying talk it out if you can, fight if you must but let it end there.

    Todays kids dont have the same values as kids 20-30-40 years ago.  They dont know or dont care about fair fights, they care about winning.  Fights today are more about trying to impress their friends than it is to settle a difference.  Bullying is probably at an all time high because of this.

  2. Yes, I would. Not even in a fight or anything, but on the mats, or anywhere else. That is, in fact, how I got kicked out (more like thrown out, amirite?) of my old Judo club.

  3. i'll kick him/her but not in the head

  4. Nah, just jump on him and throw punches to the body. Kicking someone in the head could put you in jail for a long time.

    Wtf? Do you expect someone to watch his friend get his face punched in and then calmly pull you off and calm you down?  

  5. If I have to defend my friend against some guy, I'm going to do what I need to do.  Now I won't just repeatedly kick a guy in the head but I will get him off my friend and neutralize the threat so we can get out of Dodge.

    As for You Tube the one-on-ones are usually two mouth-breathers who have mutually agreed to do a Kimbo Slice takeoff in the backyard.  There are also many examples on there of fights where a group of people jump one unsuspecting person, which is sad enough, but they actually post it on the internet for everyone (including cops) to see.

    My brother was on the jury for a fight that ended up with a guy getting kicked in the head.  He was a father of two young kids on a business trip just having a drink in the hotel bar and he ended up going home brain damaged to the point where he needs assisted living the rest of his life.  So, yeah it happens.  I'm not taking the chance on it happening to me.

  6. it all depends if my friend knows what he is doing and is controlling the fight then no but if hes getting beat pretty bad or the fight needs to be stoped  for sure then its all good to boot away the only problem with booting someone in the face .... trust me i did it to some one in high school and payed for it make sure you dont have steel toed boots on cause that real messes up peoples face i broke the kids noes fractured his cheek bone in two places cause that gets you expelled from school and assault charges its not fun  

  7. I often point out that the fight is not one-on-one, but most people don't understand this... It's not that there definitely will be dozens or even one other person there to kick you in the head. It's that you, in defending yourself, should keep the potential in mind. It's not you against him... It's you against the unknown. Locking up with another person may lead you to being kicked in the head by his buddies... Stay there long enough and the police may be the ones beating you in the head with batons because they have the luxury of sorting out who did what later. Further, how can you run to safety if you're tied up on the ground, grappling with somebody?

    You should make choices that keep you safe all the time, not put you in danger some of the time... Whenever a groundhog sees a shadow or hears a noise close by, it ducks down into it's hole for safety, not just when it's -definitely- a threat.

    Further, if there are others surrounding you, assume they will jump in. If my friend were being beaten by an attacker, I'd certainly help. In a bar fight, I know my buddies have my back too.

    Finally, fighting isn't a game, though many have made it seem like it...  One on one is ideal, but say you're alone and a group starts harassing you. A year or so back, a security guard at one of the casinos here in Las Vegas was harassed (they stole something off his golf cart and started taunting him to get it back), assaulted (they threw the first punches), and brutalized by a group of young men. They did what most mobs do: they took him to the ground and all gathered around, one guy on top punching while others threw kicks. When the security guard managed to get the kid on top of him off, he got kicked in the head, curled up, and was kicked and punched until help arrived. They all ran off.

    So take youtube and your schoolyard fights and shove them. I'll consider and even concede your point the next time two nations go to war and it's just two politicians squaring off to decide the outcome. In the meantime, I'll keep training against multiple attackers.

  8. To Legion, who says if you're fighting three guys you'll certianly get your *** beat, lemme give you an example of how that is false...

    There were 3 big guys who were trying to steal my instructor's car. They all were bigger than him, and they had baseball bats and pipes and whatnot. My instructor, who was unarmed and smaller than all of them, sent 2 of them to the hospital. The third one ran away.

  9. I think people who have something againts BJJ just say that. In reality there is no way to train for multiple attackers, if you are fighting 3 guys your going to get your *** beat. I agree with the other answerer about a fair fight and buying a beer afterwards. And Give my generation some credit , I have seen and been involved in numerous fights at clubs , college , parking lots , and it is always 1 on 1. I have only seen people jump in when both fighters where gang affiliated. If you jump in to a one on one fight your a b*tch , and you will be on the reciving end one day.

    That is not an example , that is a story with no evidence behind it.

  10. who what where when why

  11. no i would punch them in face

  12. how many people do you know that go to a bar or club alone? very few...if any.

    it isnt that it WILL happen...but it certainly could!

    would i? it would depend on the situation. we pretty much have a code around here. if its one on stays one on one no matter who wins. thats if its just two people that have a problem with each other.

    if its a mugging, rape, or something're d**n right i'd kick him in the head reapeatedly until he could no longer stand up.

    anyway the point is that it's pretty stupid (in my opinion) to INTENTIONALLY grapple with someone on the ground/floor. id rather take them down while im still standing.

  13. Yeah I'd drop kick him in the head.

  14. I like this question. I think there is a problem today in that everyone wants respect, but act like they are scared of everyone. Let me explain that a little better. You have a lot of guys running around talking tough, but when it comes time to put up or shut up what happens. They call in some friends to help them. To me that is telling the person they are "Jumping" that they are too scared to face them alone. I'm older now, but when I was a kid if you got into it with someone it was between the 2 of you. Now I would pull someone off of my friend if they were knocked out and the other guy (or girl) was still hitting them as things like that can kill you. A bunch of people jumping on one person is almost a no win situation most of the time without some kind of deadly weapon. I should hope most school yard fights don't come to that and ruin lives over someone being scared to stand up for themselves.

      To Stslavic, Just don't ignore the chance that you'll be taken down. It's better to have that in your arsenal for takedown defense or to be able to get back to your feet as quickly as possible.

    Hope no one gets jumped or kicked in the head. :)

  15. no matter what, unless the multiple attackers are, there is no martial art you can learn which will take them all on.

    if you were a big body builder guy you could punch off multiple people (who are not good fighters).

    ok maybe karate but you would have to be really good

  16. I wouldn't, but then again none of the people I choose to be friends with would be street fighting anyway. Most of them are martial artists themselves. That being said there are many out there that wouldn't hesitate, even if it was a one on one agreed upon thing. I do think they would be in the majority though.

    I know what you advocate and I realize this is an attempt to show that BJJ is the best for the street because multiple attacker instances are rare. Guess what? So is having to defend yourself from a competent grappler if you don't street fight. How many BJJ black belts are going to run around attacking people at random? that's the only way i would fight, to defend myself if there is no other choice.

    the fact is that you are more likely to have someone's buddys jump in, especially if drinking is involved, then to be attacked for no reason by a compatent grappler.

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