
Would you kill for what you believe in?

by  |  earlier

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If things came down to it...




  1. Only if it was to eliminate a threat of death or threat of harm to wife and kids. Other than that, others can believe as they wish, it'll have no effect on me.

  2. way to broad of a statement can ya narrow it down?

  3. No, whether it be religion, politics or whatever.  It is not that important what I think and plus, you would not be giving the person you kill a chance to see the truth of what you believe.

  4. probably not, but I'd make one h**l of a good argument

  5. Why of course....everyone would. It's called self-preservation.

  6. people have killed for their belief in mythology for ages. if i killed for my belief in santa would i be anymore wrong, or right than someone killing for their belief in another fictional character, perhaps god?

    Santa is returning soon, are you prepared?!

  7. Nope - its murder. I would die for something I belive in but I wouldnt kill someone.

  8. i would kill to protect what i believe in - or to protect myself from an others belief - but not just because were arguing over what we believe ( unless they come at me )

  9. maybe.  i'd kill somebody for the heck of it. d**n these laws

  10. I believe in living, so if someone was trying to kill me.... yes, I would definitely kill :)

  11. Another living human kind like you and me?

    Or blindly following the Piped Piper's tune of "My way" with the betrayal of Judas one of the dirty dozen?

    Ever wonder what happen to the Rats that follow the tune?

  12. I'll kill you to keep you from killing me for that dumb**** sh*t you believe in, that's for sure

  13. No because if we all went around killing people for what we believed in then there would be chaos. You wouldn't be able to walk the street without someone coming after you for "following their beliefs". That's what pisses me off about terrorists that kill in the name of Allah. What they are too stupid to understand is that when you kill someone to prove a point, you only end up invalidating your point. It's only blockheads who lack eloquence and resourcefulness that have to resort to murder.

  14. Nope. I don't think I could ever believe in something so intensely that I could kill for it. I am WAY too lazy for that.

  15. I would only kill in self-defense or defending another innocent person. I would not kill someone if they did not believe the same things I do.

  16. Probably no because...

    If what you believe in is really that great, it would contradict you to kill for it.

  17. I am a Viet Nam combat veteran,  patriot, and an American. I don't always agree with this nations policies but would defend it to the death or the death of those that would see us laid to waste. So yes, I would. As far as Islamics not killing for their beliefs, visit downtown NYC.

  18. Most definitely, but only as it applies to the saving of other lives. I believe in my family and my community so I would kill to protect what I believe in. People who kill for religious beliefs or political beliefs I feel are not quite so justified. Wrapping one's head in a heat filled environment might heighten the possibility of that happening. "My humor" Never-the-less be careful of how far you'll go (or whether you'd kill) for what you believe in because it's always possible that what you believe in now could be improved upon in your future...that's a whole other take care...

  19. I wouldn't Kill for it, seeing as how What i believe in (Islam) Doesn't believe in Killing. But i would Die for it.

  20. Let's see:  I can legally use lethal force in my state to protect me and mine....and I'd do it without a second's notice.  I'd kill to protect my country from armed invasion.  I'd kill to survive in times of famine or civil unrest.  Would I kill over philosophical differences?  I haven't thus far.

  21. Yes if it was something important, freedom of speech, right to vote, freedom of religion etc...

    First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

  22. generally, no.

    i would kill to save someone's life. to protect a child from abuse.

    But beliefs are just that - beliefs.  if someone wants to believe something else - it is OK with me.

  23. I would never kill for what I believe in.

    I would kill for what I know.

    I might believe in many things.  None of them is worth killing for.

    There are something things we know are true.  It would be worth killing for them.

    I might believe a man meant to hurt my daughter.  I would not harm him.

    I see him coming after my daughter with a knife, I would kill him if necessary to save my daughter.

    I'd have to know he was doing it, not just believe.

  24. Only to save my kids...  

    I can't kill anything except ants - I even liberate the spiders in my house...

  25. Well probably it all depends on who i was killing. If it was some old grandma I'm not so sure but if it was a politician... :) it could slip...

  26. My belief is that if you kill yourself you will go to h**l.  So no, I won't kill myself for what I believe in.

  27. yes but I think most people would

  28. I believe in not killing  ... so, maybe.

  29. If I firmly believed in something, and push came to shove... depending on the circumstances YES

  30. Although there is always special circumstances in everything I can't think of why you would have to kill someone because of your belief???

    I would not kill anyone because I believe in god however I would kill anyone who tried killing me because I believe in god that's not murder that's self defense!

  31. Killing someone for an idea, or belief ?

    Killing someone for ideological reasons?

    Killing someone for political reasons or ambition?

    In Europe, people were sometimes tied to a stake and roasted alive for what they or others believed.

    In Europe people were rounded up, sent to concentration camps and either exterminated out right or worked and starved to death, because of an ethos.  This happened in China, Russia, and sadly more recently in the Balkins and is happening in the Middle East.   If things came down to it... I think I would find some movies at Blockbuster, and order a pizza.

    I am not saying I may not be capable of killing, but it would be in self defense or to protect others from a real threat, not for what I believe in.  At that great a price, I can do with out beliefs.

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