
Would you kill someone in self defense?

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If you answered "yes", then why is the death penalty wrong if the criminal has ALREADY committed the crime, instead of legally being killed for the benefit of someone else's self defense rights?




  1. Yes. Because of economic considerations. It simply costs too much to keep so many prisons full of rotating criminals. Penalties should be much less for first timers. Repeat offenders are too expensive to keep. But it should all be energy efficient and clean for the environment. Green prisons.

  2. im all for the death penalty, so i guess this question doesnt really apply to me.

  3. Would I?  I would be thrilled to kill a perp in self defense and rid the world of such vermin.

  4. yes..I have,both in the Army and outside...and I would again...and I believe in the Death Penalty

  5. Very nice point, next time someone trys to tell me it is wrong...

  6. No, I would just let somebody kill me. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. You got my vote for dumbest question today.

  7. I don't know if I could ever forgive myself if I killed someone, but I've never been in that situation so I can't really say.  And yeah I see your point.  

    The papers today saw a man being put in jail for 8 months for killing a man, and a man who'd raped his daughter repeatedly for six years saw 6 months.  And Bin Ladens 'right hand man' who was promised to die in prison was freed yesterday after, what, five years?  Its just pathetic, we must do something.

  8. sure, most anyone would......the death penalty is not wrong.....a real life sentice is probably worse than death  why is it everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to go today

  9. Your premise is flawed.  There is no reasonable substitute in a justified self-defense killing.  If there was, it becomes a homicide.

    There are numerous reasonable substitutes for the death penalty.

    That's just one example of the flaws in your pretzel-logic.

    Self-defense killing is designed to save an innocent life in imminent danger.  At best, the death-penalty *may*  protect subsequent victims of the capitol offender in the prison population or the guards of a poorly run penal institution.

    There was  such a prison killing in my state by the knee-grow rapist/murderer of a 15yr. old white girl. Michael Taylor killed his cell-mate  in Missouri's maximum-security penitentiary, but it wasn't

    because he hadn't received the death penalty, it was because 15% of the population doubles the load on prisons and the overcrowding here is so bad they were putting lesser criminals in with the worst violent offenders--it was Taylor's first known offense, but the circumstances were pretty bad--he drowned the girl in a toilet as he raped her.

    Taylor's second victim  was  a non-violent offender who never ought to have been in  that prison.  Perhaps another psychogro  could have defended himself.

    I believe there was another killing in that prison of a guard or possibly a contract worker.

    Proper run and designed facilities  for  these animals should be able to contain them for the rest of their lives while not placing any other lives at risk. One to a cell would seem to be  a requirement.

    You called one of the other people an "idiot"  but you can't understand that the circumstances in a justifiable defense killing are nothing like those in  a state execution.

    I think you should apologize to the other idiot.

  10. My answer is yes, ad I don't believe the death penalty is wrong.

  11. In a heartbeat. The death penalty is not wrong.

  12. my answers is yes i would do it.

    good question.

  13. ok honestly if i was offering self defense for my child i would kill YES with out a doubt right or wrong.

    if my option for surival was to kill the criminal then YES i would kill the person to save my own life.

    however if i acted on self defense and the crimianl lived to face a jury i would say death penality is wrong. as if given the OPTION TO CHOSE to take a life is wrong!! there are other punishments.

    Taking a life is a criminal offence even when done by the law. If a life is taken to save a life in the act of self defense this is not a chosen OPTION. This is self defense so there for not wrong.

  14. Sure I would and I have no problem with the death penalty, as long as the evidence was reliable.  It does seem that recent advances have shown that not all the people convicted of lesser crimes have actually done them, if they are wrongly jailed, they can be released, but if we have killed them there isn't any way to redress the problem.

    But if all the evidence is there, and his lawyer wasn't napping or drunk during the trial, then I'm OK with it.

  15. I am pro life, what can I say?  If someone is out to kill me well there isn't much I can really do to stop that person.

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