
Would you kill yourself in my position?

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I am 28, I have had very little sexual experience in my life, truthfully in many ways I consider myself a virgin

I was just trying to get my life on track when a very unfortunate incident happened a few weeks ago, that has done some damage to my t******e and now I have the testosterone of an 80 year old man and can barely get an erection

I overall feel like a piece of garbage

If you had to face this the rest of your life, would you kill yourself? Like I said after a horribly trauamatic miserable life, I now have to face this

And I have seen doctors and this seems like something I have to face on my own




  1. I dont think so ... i think its going to get better . thats not a good reason to kill yourself sweetie . at least you still got the package .

    you can always use Viagra or something else that can stimulate your sexual activities .

    now if you only feel that way , imagine how John Wayne Bobbit might have felt when his wife chopped his pennis off ? its all over the world . now i think he had a good reason to kill himself in that moment and he didnt =)

    i hope i helped

    good luck  

  2. no waaaay.

    youv still got a lot to live for.

    you can still have a good life without a s*x life.

    are you sure the doctors cant do anything else? :/

  3. You can lead a very happy life. So you can not really get it up... so what. Focus on what is important... oral s*x. Learn how to please your mate orally and if you keep her pleased, she will be a happy women.

    You may want to go see someone for your mental health though. Even considering thinking about killing yourself over a ***** is so dumb.  

  4. Why do I get the feeling you're winding us up? Anyway Charlie Chaplin fathered a child well into his seventies so there's hope for you yet.  

  5. no i wouldnt. I mean i understand for guys that is like a bad thing. But you shouldnt kill yourself over it. I mean dont even worry about it. You will find a girl who will love you and have s*x with you and love it no matter if you get an erection or not lol. Relax okay its just s*x. Its not the end of the world. Look at everything else that you will be able to do.

  6. nope and no way would i even think of killing myselve

    i have a friend who says he cannot get an errection, and met a girl who is happily married to him and they adopt children and give them;loads of love and love each other very much

    your day will come when you meet a girl who you can trust and she will love you for who you are

    she is out ther somewhere , so dont let her down by killing yourselve  

  7. no way! im sure you have lots to live for, there are people around you who can help you!!  

  8. u feel like a piece of garbage cuz u cant get it up?

    so life without sexual prowess, we r all a piece of garbage. dude theres a whole lot more going on there beyond the s*x stuff.

    til i know that i cant answer that.

    as it is now and what u wrote, no, i would not kill myself. neither should u.

  9. Life isn't about s*x, but it is very important. I've read this question over and over again. Have you ever considered a natural remedy instead of Viagra? There are many other natural cures than whats on the market. I think you should look at all your options before you decide that life is going to end now because you can't have an erection. Maybe someday you can find a woman to understand and be patient with you. Time heals all things, and maybe your physical and emotional wounds can heal to if  you let them.  

  10. Your choice. Whether we say yes of no, it's your choice.  

  11. No....there are lots of things you can do sexually.  Seek new doctors.  I know you are depressed you need to talk with someone

  12. there's a thing called Viagra these days. i wouldn't kill myself just because i couldn't be as sexually active as i wanted to be. and if you're 28 and have very little sexual experience, then you must not have a big s*x drive so i don't know why you are fretting about this.

  13. No,don't do it: it isn't worth it because if you do,its not fun.Every one would think it was their fault.And I'm a christan and i believe in the bible and if you do its not fun where other people have gone when they have done that also! write me some time i will help you GET THROUGH THiS!

  14. No, I wouldn't. There's more to life than that. It's not a big deal. I'm sure you can get some treatment for your problem. Go back to those doctors and tell them what the h**l's up! And by the way, I'd still hit it with a limp peen. But I'm a w***e!

  15. no.  dont kill yourself!!!!  even if life is really hard dont kill yourself.  life is not all about s*x and stuff.  somebody may fall in love with you and not care about that.  just stay as optimistic as you can and try to live your life as best you can.  do things you enjoy like sports and hobbies and stuff.

  16. its just a d**k man.

  17. There's much more to life than s*x. I wouldn't kill myself in the first place, but I would really consider this to be a lousy reason to even entertain the notion.

  18. I'm sure there's a cure for this out there.

  19. i cant see it from a mans point of view, but if it was me in ur position i wouldnt kill myself.

    theres things u can get 2 help erections and not every girl is shallow, many of them will look past tht

    i dont know if tht means ur infertile too, but if u want kids theres always adoption and other means of reproducing.

    but i definitly wouldnt kill myself

  20. I already want to kill myself, im sick and tired of humans

  21. Take steroids and quit talking about offing yourself. 80 year olds still get busy.

  22. First of all, NO, you should not kill yourself.  Bar none.

    Second of all, your doctor may just suck.  I would seek a second opinion, someone whom is more sensitive to your situation and can give you some suggestions for physical therapy or medication to help you get it back.

    Have faith that everything will work out, and it will.

  23. no, but im so sorry.

  24. You said damage to a t******e.  Not testicles. So the other one is still at full speed ahead.  Get yourself together.  Research and see if you can find a specialist.  This is nothing to kill yourself over.  Your life is too valuable to waste.  You may discover something important for the world one day.  We may need you.  Don't put yourself down.  There are others that are having a far worse situation than yours.

  25. Don't kill yourself

    call AMI nasal dilvery technology

    is the website

    good luck

    and please don't kill yourself!

  26. If some one loves you, it wont matter to them if you have that "problem."

    your life will get better.

    there is no reason to kill yourself.

       your only 28.

  27. SO YOU WOULD KILL YOURSELF BECAUSE U ARE ASHAMED OF YOUR SEXUAL DRIVE....dude seriously you would actually kill yourself because of something so pointless then not being rude and im trying to help you the best way i will go through worse times then t******e problems trust me you are going to get on a bumpy ride in a couple years :D,hope you are erady for that.try seeing the better things in life besides worrying about s*x and erections =/.

  28. You can get a prescription to get your hormone levels back on track. Calm Down. You could even get a penile implant to pump up your erection.. maybe even enlarge your p***s while they're at it.

  29. NO! there is no reason i can think of to kill yourself

    i think counseling would help

    there are many people in the world who don't think that s*x is so important that they can't live without it, you will find someone who will accept you as you are, if you just be yourself and be honest, and enjoy the good things in your life

    Good Luck and God Bless

  30. well its not a happy thing but you shouldn't kill yourself there should be light at the end of your tunnel.

  31. Actually i think if the world didnt have a s*x drive wed be a much more peaceful and spirtual place. Gandhi couldnt get it up either. and im sure there ways to fix that like viarga and stuff. You can concentrate on life and be a successful person. Give back to the poor and do great things no one cares about your s*x drive. We live in a media society were all we talk about is s*x. thats why you think s*x is so important.

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