
Would you know if you were cheated on?

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I'm just curious about how well, we all think we know our significant others do you think there would be any tale tell signs




  1. i think i would my b/f sucks @ lying and most men do

  2. There are signs but were supposed to trust that person right,you never really think that the person you married is an ****** who would do something like that so I can see how it slipped past me,looking back it was so obvious,sudden changes in schedules in a seemingly routine relationship are a big red flag that a partner is interested in other things,like a co-worker,it was all right there in front of me but I was to blinded by love and trust to believe it was happening,I wrote it off as a rut and carried on like a knucklehead,so it does slip past you,I didn't know I was supposed to be looking over my shoulder all the time,now I just assume that in general all people are *******,have a blessed day

  3. i knew it...well i knew something was bf started acting really odd...i have been with him 7 yrs though & he wasn't acting himself, tried to claim it was just stress but i had that gut feeling & sure enough he was

  4. ask for s.e.x and if they say no CHEATER

  5. never knew with one

    and the other it was so fuking obvious

    now i trust noone and just assume all guys cheat..

    except my ex, he  was the most trust worthy guy ever.

    shame we didnt work out!

  6. yea... because men aren't good cheaters and liars. they are like dogs, they dont cover there ****

  7. I knew that my ex was cheating on me.  Getting him to admit it & stop making me out to seem crazy was another thing.  Dude was a dumb@ss.

  8. I actually didn't know until we broke up because then five days later he had a new girlfriend so I knew he had to cheat. But then when I found that out I started to realize the signs. He didn't hang out with me like he use too, barely talked on the phone and barely called, started kissing me differently, he focused on other things like his car/friends.

  9. guys can't cover up ****.

    if they start sayin' c**p about you cheatin' on them, when there's no possible wayy you have, like if there hounding you about doin' things they didn't normally, they more than likely cheated

    guys juss aren't good liars

  10. Yep knew the minute it started to happen.  

  11. I think I would know. Tell tale signs I would look for would be things like unaccounted for blocks of time, new attention to his appearance, sneakiness about phone calls, change in sexual appetite (either significantly less OR significantly more are both clues), missing money.

  12. U can tell very well they do change en act wierd thy cant hide it very well ,if you know him better u willnot the changes

  13. Yes there are tale tell signs. one going in the bathroom with their cellphones.taking a bath with their cellphones inside the bathroom and sleeping with their cellphones under the pillow is just an example and there are a lot more.

  14. not always some men do a really good job at hiding sign would be that they would not be interested in things they use to be.there would be changes in them, and may only be apparent when they were ready to leave u.

  15. It's weird, because with one of my exes, I just knew and I called him one day and said, "I know you are cheating on me," and he admitted to it. The other guys all denied it until they were caught. Some of my friends claim to have no idea when it's obvious, but I think in some cases women allow themselves to be blind and others just really don't see it.

  16. the way i could tell with my significant other was she would smile and laugh the first few times i asked then she said there just friends but after a few times then it was just a smile. Then she said she would have rather been with him than me after i was told about it.

  17. You can feel when you are being betrayed by someone!

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