
Would you know my name if i saw you in heaven?

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what's beyond the door?

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  1. I must be strong,

    and carry on,

    'cause i know i don't belong here in heaven

  2. ehh, i'm sure i'll go to h**l, so no.


  3. Yes, See you soon.

  4. Hi, jacqueline cheung:

    Yes, I will know you and your name in Heaven, and I'll be listening for jacqueline cheung with the greatest interest when they are calling out names for the saints to come forward and receive their crowns.

    We're givfen a peak of heaven in Romans   13:12   "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

    Of course you will be given a "secret" name that no one else knows.    I suppose that is so you can see that you are very, very, special in God's eyes, and He would have died for you alone, if you were the only lost individual.

    You can learn exactly when the saints receive their reward by breaking the Bible code:

    Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua  

  5. no need  for  names  UP  there...

    but  ya..  Jacqueline!

  6. you gonna make me cry heres why

    you tube song

  7. Just as Jesus and Moses and Elijah were recognizable at the transfiguration (in their heavenly/spiritual forms)  on the  mountain, which is detailed in a few books of the bible.. (Matthew 17:1-9, Mark 9:2-8, Luke 9:28-36) YOU will also be recognizable.  Even the angels have names! So yes, I believe  I will know your name:)

  8. I, as much as i wish it did, dont think heaven or h**l really exists

  9. Beyond the door? A room with a wicker chair and a large window overlooking a meadow on the edge of a mysterious forest

  10. I dont need to go to heaven to figure out your name.  i can do it based on this question.

  11. yes i would.

  12. There's peace, I'm sure...

    I really like Eric Clapton and according to his bio, he's a Christian.

  13. Only if your name is Eric Clapton

  14. yess

  15. I think so.  When on the mount of transfiguration the two people from heaven visited the Christ with his disciples, the disciples recognized Moses and Elijah

  16. I think that's a very sad song. He wrote it in memorial to his son.

    he was on the way to pick up his son to take him to a baseball game. When he got to his ex wife's house, he found his son had fallen to his death out of a open window

  17. Nope, coz I would know it before you tell me.  

  18. i'm under the impression we will know those we knew in life. but can get to know everybody else.since we will be there for all eternity.beyond the veil is perfect peace.God Bless!

  19. My view on religion is sort of strange. I believe in angels but I don't believe in God. Is there something there? I believe there is, but I don't know if there such a place as heaven. I believe there is another world where the spirit goes.

  20. I think that if we were in heaven (assuming there is one), our mortal names would be of no consequence.

  21. the Bible sez NO

  22. Gee thanks, now I've got that overrated song stuck in my head.

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