
Would you know why Spell Check would stop working or anything else in that category.?

by  |  earlier

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I was talking about spell check when I'm composing an email through Yahoo . The icons in the message box don't work Why would I need for that ?




  1. Do you mean spell check in your outlook express?  If that is what you mean, did you install Office on a new computer, and the the trial period ran out by chance?  If so, that is why you don't have spell check anymore.  If that should happen to be your problem just go to and download it from that site.  It's free.

  2. Try this; select all the text in document (Ctrl A), then go to

    Tools>Language>Set Language. A dialogue box will appear

    Then, uncheck the "Do not check spelling or grammar" box. This I believe will solve your problem.

    If that doesn't work, you may have to insert your Office CD and then go to the help menu bar and select detect and repair.  This should do it then, I do hope.  From there, you will have to choose if you want to keep your shortcuts or restore to default.  I recommend "keep shortcuts".

    However, please try out the first option before the detect and repair.  It is the most common way of fixing spell check problems.  Hope this is of help.

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