
Would you laugh at a 28 year old woman who wears a wig?

by Guest60073  |  earlier

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my hair has been falling out for a long time now. doctors don't know why. but i have worn a bandanna for the last few years and its getting old...and i can never look dressed up with a rag on my head. so i'm thinking of buying a wig. do you think i would be the laughing stock?




  1. definitely not one is perfect and everyone has something about them that  they could wish they could make better.. and since ur little something is possible y not? ...especially if it makes u feel  better that the only thing that sud matter ..rite?

  2. no.

  3. Oh no! Wigs aren't bad at all you just need to buy 1 that looks good on you and dont change it all the time and make sure it doesnt fall off

  4. no if you pay good money for a tip top wig it will look very natural and pretty

  5. No! People going thru chemo wear them too. Heck, my husband wore one in the military so he wouldn't have to cut his hair, lol!

    If a wig will make you feel better about yourself, then GO FOR IT!!!


  6. no not at all , just try and get one that looks real

  7. if its a good wig no one should be able to tell that its a wig, so no one will laugh

  8. lol u make it sound as if being 28 years old is old or something...its definitely NOT and i think its a freaking s**y age...for both guys and girls....nothing wrong with wearing a wig. i have great hair but sometimes i like to wear wigs just to spice things up...most people dont notice and i get a lotttttt of compliments! so just get one that looks good on u and looks natural. have fun babe!

  9. as long as it looks real. it should be fine.

  10. Why would it be funny? These natural things happen. Get a wig, one that looks real, and make sure that it stays on.

    That's all there is to it. And if you're good, it'll look so real that people don't know it's a wig.

    Or you can just wear a baseball cap wherever you go but then that might get old.

  11. Not at all. Im 15 & all my hairs fake.

    Thats by choice aswell.  

  12. nothin wrong with mother wore one for years,,,do it if u can feel comfortable, & don't worry about others

  13. definitely not!

  14. No, you don't have to tell people it's a wig!

  15. No, not at all.  My 3rd grade teacher wore a wig only for picture day and no one laughed at her.

    If they do, don't worry about them, they have a problem.  I will pray for your health.

    My hairdresser's hair is falling out only in patches and they found out she has Lupus.  She would wear a wig if she had to.  Right now she has enough to hide the bald patch in back.

    Hugs to you.  Wear it proudly!  It doesn't change who you are, only what you look like.  Many people like to change their looks, even color it blue.  I saw purple hair the other day.

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