
Would you laugh at this?

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My parents came round to visit, I went into the kitchen to make the coffee. My girlfriend was sitting facing the kitchen door, my parents were facing her.

I dropped my jeans and pants and stood in the doorway, knees bent doing a ridiculous dance at my girlfriend while she tried to maintain a conversation with them.

I thought this was hilarious - she does not agree and (a week later) is still giving me a chill every time I see her.

Wouldn't you laugh about it, even if it did take a few days?




  1. not really.

  2. My husband does that c**p to me all the time.  I get angry, he does it some more...  We've bean married 15 years.  She'll get over it.

  3. Ahh...memories......

    Yes I would have thought it very funny indeed.

    I think your girlfriend needs a chill pill.

  4. Yeah I would eventually

  5. I would have and I would have said to your parents, "Want to turn around and see what your son is doing?"  I think that would have been hilarious.  

  6. Extremely inappropriate. It was not funny, so give it up and forget it.  

  7. I might find it funny, but I can also see how it was really embarassing for her.  She's trying to impress your parents, and you made it really difficult for her.  You ignored her discomfort just so you could enjoy a crude joke.  Jokes aren't funny unless *everyone* is laughing.

    If you apologize for making things difficult for her, then she will probably lighten up and begin to see the humor in it.  

  8. that's well good,did she not laugh.i would of been in stitches

  9. Haha yeah

  10. LMFAO!

    nice one!

    She's probably just nervous about seeing your parents  

  11. perhaps it wasn't the gag, but what she saw that's bothering her. were you clean at the time? or were you effectively showing her that you taken faeces into the kitchen?

  12. Yes that's very good, but not for your girl friend who couldn't do anything. She may have wanted to have fallen about laughing but your parents would have thought she had lost her marbles.

    I can't help wishing your mother had quickly come into the kitchen to give you a hand with the coffee whilst your jeans and pants were down. Now that would have been funny......

  13. hahaha yes very funny - tell her to lighten up  

  14. lol that sounds hilarious!

  15. LOL yeah I'd laugh while it was happening. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face! If she didn't think it was funny maybe it's cause she was nervous about first meeting your parents? Or if she already met them then maybe she just has a more serious personality. But that's hilarious though... lol you sound funny.

  16. No, I don't find immature, schoolboy humour very funny. Just my opinion

  17. Sounds hilarious to me!! I would have dobbed you in though, so your parents could have had a laugh too!!! She needs to chill out!!

  18. dont feel bad.  i would laugh.

  19. Id laugh!! Although Id laugh immediatly which might make your parents turn around oops!!

  20. i'd be cross at the time and worried parents would turn round, but after a week i'd be laughing about at the pub with our mates!

    my other half is the type that would do this!

  21. Are you kidding? I think you do not know the definition of humor.

    Nothing funny about immature behavior. Hope you are on the

    way to learn real fun.


  22. Depends how your parents would have reacted if they had seen you. Depend on how your girlfriend gets on with them too.

  23. Absolutely, that is hilarious!!!!

    Seriously, my husband and I do that sort of thing all the time.  However it probably made her feel bad trying to maintain eye contact with your parents, so she probably felt she was being disrespectful to your parents.

    It's ok, I wouldn't worry about it.  If she can't get over it....

  24. I hate to say it, but I would have hurt myself laughing.  I also would have told on you to your mom!  LOL!

  25. Maybe your legs arent as attractive as you believe they are.

  26. You should have filmed yourself and put it on youtube

  27. Yeah it's funny sounds as if your problem's not your silly sense of humour. But your uptight girlfriend, go find another one this one will ruin your life.

  28. Yes it would have been very funny but if it put your girlfriend in an awkward position I imagine your parents would not have seen the funny side so she was uncomfortable with what you done. To be honest she was tooooooooo nice, she should have asked your parents to look round and let them judge for themselves what they thought of the senario.

  29. Yes, it is funny.  Especially since it was your parents, not hers.  She really should have taken advantage of the situation and embarrassed you in front of your mom & dad.  Like motioned for them to come quickly into the kitchen!  

  30. That is really funny.LOL.

  31. Ha ha that is really funny actually! My husband makes rude gestures when I'm on the phone to try and make me laugh, he stays out of reach though so I can't hit him!

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