
Would you leave a tip?

by  |  earlier

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Would you leave a tip if you went to a fast food place and the employee was nice and check on you? The employee even bring you the food, refill your drinks, and just make sure you are satisfy with your order and would even give a kid a chocolate cake on the house for their bday. If so how much would you tip because their is this is this employee that does this and I would like to know how much would you tip?




  1. I'd probably give them five bucks. If you can't afford to tip though, you shouldn't have too ... I mean you don't go into a fast food place thinking you will have to tip, usually fast food is more of a self service kinda thing ( you usually fill your own drink,  and pick up your order)

  2. I've never had a job where you were supposed to get tips..  and when people gave me tips at my jobs it always made me uncomfortable..  

    instead talk to the manager about what great service you received (don't mention freebies!!) and ask for the district manager's address so you can send something to them as well..  $5 is nice but a letter to the boss is better..

  3. i agree 5 bucks sounds reasonable and not insulting

  4. $5

  5. A $10 tip

  6. yes tip them. depending on how man people 2-5 = $5.

  7. Although tipping is not customary at a fast food restaurant you could certainly give that particular employee $5  or what ever 15% of your bill would be.  I would also send a letter to the manager in regards to this employee to let them know the kind of service you have recieved.  It is always nice to recieve positive feedback instead of only negative.

    One word of caution:  In today's world I am alway a bit wary of those who seem overly familiar.  It would depend on the situation.  Is this person nice to everyone by your observation, or are they "hitting" on you or perhaps overly interested in the children??  I really hate being suspicious but you just never know.  I generally expect the best of people but in the back of my mind I keep an alert eye for things that may be  off centered.

  8. INormally no, but maybe slip them  a $5 for all this.....probably not, just thanking them would be ok.  Also I would let management and owner know how polite, and friendly and customer service oriented this employee is.
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