
Would you leave chicken to save the environment?

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yeah we all know the world is coming to an end...but they say the easiest n best thing you can do while sitting at home n still helping a lot is to turn vegetarian...would you?




  1. I'm about two decades ahead of you on this one...

  2. uuummm well i dont really understand your question.......your in the vegetarian area so of course we would all not eat chicken

    Im an environmentalist and animal activist

    Also Buddhist

    So in my lifetime i wanna i actually wanna make it a reality to save the amazon rainforest

  3. i am a vegetarian... but definately not for those reasons

  4. No, and if the meat industry revised some of it's practices, no one would need to be (there will always be those who don't believe it's right no matter what). Manure from animals (there are farms that already do this) can make exceptional soil and we definitely have a need for that (especially those who center their diets around grains fruits and veggies) since topsoil is washed away and regular crop production depletes the soil. It can always be converted into fuel. There are plenty of things that can be done to make the environmental vegetarian happier w/the meat industry and since the world will most likely never be meat free, it's a much more practical approach.

  5. I 'm a vegeaterian ...not to save the enviorment but 'cos I cant kill another living thing for my own joy.. I wouldn't eat them even if they exceeded the human population.. & last time I checked world was doing ok, just getting warmer.

  6. I'm a vegan. Environmental issues is one of the reasons for this, along with health and animal rights.

  7. "would you leave chicken to save the environment?"

    Leave it where?  A farm sanctuary?  The bus terminal?  The Marriott?

    You've posted this question in the "Vegetarian & Vegan" section.  We don't eat chicken, and we are already quite aware of the environmental benefits of a meatless diet.

  8. I am vegetariian............... but youll never ever get the whole world to think the same............ alot of people like me dont belive in global warming or in the end of the eaarth!!

  9. i would leave chicken alone ........but i will be around chicks !!

  10. I don't understand what you are trying to say.  I don't speak run-on chat language...Sorry.  And last time I checked the world wasn't coming to an end.

    If every business ran like the meat industry the world probably would come to an end.'s the compassion?

  11. I am a non vegetarian and love meat, fish and poultry. Eating meat keeps the world clean and free from overpopulation of old, diseased and dying animals which would have been a great environmental hazard and the risk to our forests and green pastures. I am pleased to have vegetarians around me. If they are a lot around, the meat prices are stable and we can easily afford them. Thanks a lot, dear vegetarians.

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