
Would you leave the following to get married?

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Would you leave a career that you have longed for, a position that u have always dreamed of??

Would you leave a life that u have always wanted ??

Would you leave it all to get married and go to another country and maybe start again from zero??




  1. Yes, if he was the one for me, you can sense who is for you and who is not, i will do that for him

  2. Why not? start a new adventure..make your life more interesting

  3. hmm well I would say yes. Because you can have so many things in your life but if you dont have someone at home its really lonely. I used to hate to go home to an empty house with no one to tell things to.. but now I have been married for 2 yrs I need a break from someone being at home loll...  Ghina are you thinking to marry?  I really hope I am a brides maid if not I will really hate you !! I also want to pick the color of my dress pls no pale pink.. black maybe :)

  4. If you really want to marry each other you have to see who can easily leave his "life" maybe your partner can change

  5. i know someone who did that like but she didnt love him he kinda just came to her house and asked for her hand arab style and she regrets the decision

    to me, u can find a job anywhere, there will always be work where ever u go, but ur naseeeb is only one person, and u dont wanna let him go for something that u could lose one day anyways (people lose jobs and careers all the time like getitng laid off or whatever)

    if i really loved him i wouldnt mind leaving my career and the country i live in and starting over, he'd help me meet people and even if i dont, i dont care cuz id have him and thats all id really want and need

    so it depends,

    for a random marriage hunter the answer would be NO

    for my habibi it would be heck YES

  6. h**l no.

  7. No. Love comes and goes. Dreams last forever. This might be your only chance for you to have your dreams.

  8. LOL!!! i miss Lebanon category...

  9. No risk, no gain!

    As Puppy eyes said 'You can always find another job but u cannot always find the perfect person'.

    One good example is Kate and you will never start from Zero as you will take your experience with you.

    But there are also if and buts. It depends on how well you know him, how much you can trust him and whether he is THE perfect person?

    How much satisfied are from your present job and how much you love it? If you are making more than he does, then whether he is also willing to relocate for you?

    Lastly, if it is an Internet swing then it is suggested that you first go and see his family and be very very sure.

    Look forward to hear the good news very soon : )

  10. If she was worth it

  11. no way! marriage is overrated.

  12. i alowes here for mariede any time

  13. ^

    yeah i would.

    in fact...i already am doing it...

    i left my country, my career, my family and my fulfilled life to live with my hubby in his country..

    but if you ask me..

    i do not regret my decision at all...he's worth my sacrifice!

  14. Well, i did, & 7 yrs later i know i made the right choice.

    There comes a time in life when some things loose their importance, over something so precious that the material things  no longer mean the same. I'm not saying that what's right for me is for everyone else, but just to say i found something more important than a job, guess i was lucky.

    You have a hard choice to make & i wish you well with your decision, good luck.

  15. Yes I will. 100%

  16. You can always find another job but u cannot always find the perfect person =)

  17. Well I  guess it all depends what you really want out of life ...contrary to what everyone is told , you can't have it all !

    Ask yourself what it is that means the most to you , that your heart screams out for & you'll know the answer .

    Now my Dear Ghanouge  , tell Jeddo what this is all about !

  18. If she was the perfect women in every way i would first look into the quran for guidence if my answer was not there i would go to the men of knowledge then thirdly i would maybe do istakarah and finally she would have to be muslim

  19. Some people would and some people wouldn't, it all depends on what you have already and what you have to give up and what you will get from your new life and what you expect in general from life.

    If it's true love and the big picture tells you it's going to turn OK then it would be worth it spending the rest of your life with YOUR FAMILY : the family that you will create with your new husband and it doesn't matter where you are as long as he is the ONE.

    But if you're not sure, if you like your life as it is now and you're afraid that one day you will regret leaving your old life and going away, then don't.

    And trust your intuition, if it was worth it you wouldn't have asked the questions.

    BTW, I made that choice once 11 years ago...I don't regret it but I know that everything would have been different (at times better) if I hadn't left my "old life" but nothing matches up to the family I have career in the world or no fortune would be better than my kids.

  20. Well No,but if your gonna go to europa yea ofcource because its better for me middle east is all problems rite now but if to somewhere else no way.

    but love is a little hard sometimes you have to make the rite choice he loves you and you now that,and you love him but think of him think of the futre is it worth it.

    If i was you i would ask myself is it worth it .... is it ?take care and i hope everything works out in the end and you live happily ever after.bye good luck

  21. If he is worth it? and chances of success [even from scratch] are high? ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...


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