
Would you leave your bestfriend if...?

by  |  earlier

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she/he changed, started doubting you. That person started acting different, not how she/he used to.

For example, that person{best friend for 10 years) used to always look up to you, never acted detached or strange to you, always laughed at your jokes and treated you like a friend. Then, that person changes. He/she becomes more aloof, more like he/she could live without you. They act like you're not that important to them anymore.

I would, and I'd never look back.

Would you leave?




  1. Of course!!! Sometimes after time has passed, some people change.  People who are truly your best friend for life will ALWAYS be there.... no matter how much time has passed.  

  2. yes. people change for better or for worse, u guys are just growing apart thats life.  

  3. i wont just talk to them

  4. yes. I've left many friends.

  5. ur weird if u had friends like that

  6. I've had a friend now foe 42 yrs , and she's had good days and she's had bad days and some times weeks on end. True friendship lasts a life time.through those good days and those bad days.Hang in there I'm more than sure she'll come around .Go ahead and look back and remember one thing , she's the one that made you laugh.True friends stick together no matter what. Have a talk with her and let her know that your a little hurt at the way she has been acting lately,maybe she;s just wrapped up in other things and doesn't realize she has put you aside a her up today and and go set up a day the two of you can get together, refresh your friendship with some laughter, she;ll come around,Maybe you could even send her one of those nice friendship cards. Well good luck and keep smiling.

  7. if u decided 2 leave ask her what changed before u do before u leave

  8. I would still love her because of the yrs that your have know each other. But to see her changing and acting fun toward you, I would just not hang around her, say hello and move on.  

  9. well it could be drugs or problems at home or somethin try talkin to them if that doesn't do any good just leave

  10. no, i'd never turn my back on someone who was really my best friend.  something is probably going on in her life and she needs a friend more than ever

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