
Would you leave your husband/wife if he/she cheated on you, but told you and was sincerely sorry?

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Would you leave your husband/wife if he/she cheated on you, but told you and was sincerely sorry?




  1. I can tolerate a lot of things - but cheating is a deal breaker.  Sorry or not.  

  2. h**l YEA!!

    He should've thought about that B4!

  3. Probably not after the first time, but, I swear before all that's holy, it better NOT happen again.

  4. "Sincerely Sorry" they got caught.

    Nope.  You cheat, I leave.  No, better yet, he leaves.....

  5. I wouldn't be able to look at him without punching him in the face! So Yeah I would be SO GONE!

  6. i didnt and dont regret it at all

  7. yesh if u really loved them you would but if not nah 4get about them!!

  8. Definitely, there will always be that "TRUST ISSUE"

  9. i would never be able to trust him again, so yes, i would leave.

  10. Yes i would leave cause for me the trust would be gone forever.

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