
Would you leave your religion if it was the only one allowed and they persecuted or killed non-conformists?

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Let us say your denomination was selected as the One-World-Religion. Sanctions must be used to enforce it upon non-compliers, but would you go independent, or join the persecution thinking it was God's will?




  1. More like change religion to be more liberal, and stick a serpent on it's head.

    Therefore go with the majority, imprison the minorities - convert or stay in prison, then change the "State religion" how you wish.

    The victors write the history books.

    So why are there so many FEMA camps in the USA ?

  2. You bet your *** I would rebel against anything like that. DON'T EVER TRY TO TELL ME WHAT TO BELIEVE!  

  3. Persecution and killing - Sounds religious doesn't it?

  4. That depends on whther I thought the death squads were effective or not.  If they are going to be run by the government or the church, I'd gamble and take to the hills.

  5. I would join persecution. no one can force me. Faith keeps you strong mister

  6. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.  God didn't put us here to suffer.  Jesus already did that for us.

  7. join the persecution...i'll be better off dead than to salute that pig hitler (or the likes of him)

  8. I would die for my religion and would not convert to anyother yes i would be very scared to do so but they could do to me what they wish im not going to

  9. Didn't they do this already? I think it's called Christianity.

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