
Would you let Your 13 year old take Belly Dancing Lessons?

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Lets say your Child loves to dance and over the years has taken dance lessons such as Tap,Modern,Salsa,Tango,Merengue,Mambo,Hi... and Now she wants to take Belly Dancing lessons because according to her she hopes to become an Exotic/Striptease Dancer when she turns 18.Would you let her take belly dancing lessons?Or are these too much for a 13 year old girl to take?




  1. well, belly dancing is NOT a striptease dance. Sure it looks like its only a dance to seduce men, it really tones your stomach and makes you feel confident. Normally, I would say let her take up belly dancing but since she plans on becoming a stripper, then no!

  2. Wow, good question.  

    Let's look at this logically.  I've seen belly dancing, and contrary to popular belief, it's not completely sexual.  It's an art just like other styles of dance.  Also, you mentioned that the girl is involved in many other types of dance, so it's not just like she wants to belly dance exclusively.

    That said, belly dancing can be provocative and it does bare one's midriff.  Further, the girl aspires to be a stripper so if she takes the lessons, you run the risk of encouraging the stripper behavior.  Does she want to take the lessons specifically as preparation for a career in stripping?  Or does she want to take them to broaden her dancing talents?  I think this is a relevant question.  Based on your question, it seems as if she wants to take the lessons to prepare for stripping.

    Ordinarily I wouldn't see much of a problem with a 13 year old girl taking belly dancing lessons.  If the parent doesn't allow the girl to take the lessons, the girl might see stripping and belly dancing as something exotic and forbidden -- it might make it more appealing and "dangerous."  But based on what you'd told us, I don't think that I could, in good faith, allow my 13 year old daughter to take belly dancing lessons so that she could one day strip.  I couldn't encourage that.  

  3. uhh nott if u want her to be a stripperr :]

  4. if i let my daighter do that, i would be an awful mother. if it was just to try something new bc she loves dance, it may be more of an option,  but definately with oppositions, but letting your daughter doing it, knowing that  her intentions were to become a stripper, is just plain wrong. tell your daughter, that if she wants to take bellydancing classes, she can pay for them herself when she is 18. offer up some other options to her for other types of dance classes, if she hasnt done them al already, appropriate for her age. for a mother to let her 13 year old bellydance, is permission from the mother to basically be a w***e, in this case. plus, think about the rep shell have at school. shell prolly be labled as easy and light

  5. No. But if it's a mother-daughter bonding thing, it might be different.

  6. Definitely not...why encourage your child to help pursue their dream of becoming an exotic striptease dancer?

    Stream her to do other things such as hip hop, jazz etc...

  7. Yes, stripping is a steady profession that makes a good living, and puts bread on the table. In my younger years it was actually my occupation.

  8. Woah, woah, WOAH!  Hold up now.  

    Belly dancing is not stripping.  It's not sexual.  It is not the stereotype that it's made out to be.  It's a serious dance form that requires as much training to be good as any other dance would.  

    If you would like more information, check out this site  She's spent years gathering information and, because of her hard work, is the most comprehensive and knowledgeable site out there.  She even has a teacher directory.  

    If she wants striptease lessons, take her to a local strip club.  She'll find no tassel swinging or lap dancing in a real belly dance class.

  9. eh, not if she wants to be a stripper.

  10. Well belly dancing is cool,but you shouldn't let her if she continues with the idea of being a strip dancer.

  11. i would let my daughter take the class but not if those are her goals.

    you need to talk to her first about how people look down on exotic/striptease and that it will hard for men dating wise to take her seriously and that they strip to nude in exotic. tell her to save it for her husband/the man she loves.

    tell her to take the class because its a chance to learn more dances and its no an erotic dance its a cultural thing.

    then based on her choice.

    i think it will change as she gets older but still keep talk like this up and about s*x too make she knows everything she is at risk if she nows this much about striptease dances now.

  12. ugh let her take the class but discourage her in the stripping business...not the way to go. on the other hand belly dancing really strengthens core muscles

  13. AH NO I mean come on that's a no brainier. sorry to break your bubble but if she wants to be a stripper when she turns 18. That's not good have a talk with her.But it's your choice your her parent. MAYBE if she wanted just to take them for fun but not to be a stripper.

  14. belly dancing is a great work out and is most certainly not "stripping".  i would definetly let my daughter take belly dancing lessons, but then again I'm planning on raising my kids by letting them make their own decisions and learn from their own mistakes, I will tell her that I wouldn't do strip teasing, but if she wants to, that's her choice.  just notify her of the cons to exotic/strip tease dancing.  however the belly dancing idea is great!  it'll do her body wonders!!! you should joiiN!

  15. Probably not. Why does she want to be a stripper? I'd work on persuading her not to go into exotic dancing. She has so much more potential than that.  

  16. I would let her take the classes. I have 2 step daughters so i know something about girls. You never know she will probably change her mind by then. When i was 13 i wanted to be in playboy. It never happend.

  17. uh no

  18. They are nothing like you'd think. My mom takes them (lol) and they wear their own clothes. I don't think it's inappropriate.

    Yeah, you'll give me a thumbs down. Whatever.

  19. I think that is disgusting. And I am a teenager! I say no!!!

  20. I think you should check out the classes first and see what EXACTLY they do. I guess you should let her take them, but seriously, talk to her about becoming an exotic dancer/striptease. That's really not right and she shouldn't even be thinking about being something like that at her age. I'm 13 too! Ugh.

  21. as a parent lets wait till she is at least 16 ok

  22. Yes i think as a teen myself that if i enjoyed something then let her do it i mean if she has fun that is worth it also have a look in the class see what thay do if its a bit to much dont let her.

  23. Let her follow her dream!!!!! if she likes dancing then let her... you never know... she might become famouse one day!

  24. Why not, let her take the  classes :) xxxx

  25. yes if its clean but i wouldnt encourage her to become a stripper

    but im 13 and my mom asked me 2 take one with her i said no  

  26. no don't waste your money. you can learn to belly dance on youtube.

  27. Let her take the classes.

    As someone else said, it heads off that "Forbidden fruit" effect. If you try to say "every other kind of dance is ok but NOT THIS ONE"... well... we saw how well that approach worked even for God (if you're a Biblical sort).

    Likewise, it's likely she'll change her mind in the next five years. When I was 13 I wanted to be a teacher. Now I know better and I'm studying for a career in the law instead.

    And even if she doesn't, there's a big difference between exotic dance and prostitution (though many people choose to see them as the same). One is an art form. The other is not. Exotic dancing involves a functional (if not an academic) knowledge of psychology as well as an incredible degree of physical fitness, discipline, and body control. And, as again has been said, it is a more dependable career than some, at least while skill and body type allow, and it is one that is not subject to destruction the instant an economic recession hits. Indeed, the exotic entertainment business flourishes even (some believe especially) in the worst of times.

    Besides even that, she is in the process of becoming a biological adult. It is time for her to begin exploring herself as a sexual and sensual creature. Make sure you give her that talk, make sure she knows how to handle herself sexually. Someone with an interest in exotic dance probably has an interest in s*x, and you need to prepare her for that (and remember that teaching abstinence-only makes it more likely you'll be a grandparent within the next ten years). She needs to discover herself. That process will help her to grow up. You wouldn't want to stifle her during an important formative time.

  28. Seriously, It wouldn't matter.  When she's 18 she's an adult and can do whatever she wants.  Let her do the lessons.  You never know, she might change her mind anyway when she's older.  Go ahead, whatever floats her boat :)

  29. well me and my mom are going to be taking belly dancing classes soon and im 14. its good exercise. we were actually going to do pole dancing but we couldnt find a place that would let me take it. lol.

    anyway, if it were my kid, i would let them take it if they loved dancing. if they wanted to take it to be a stripper when they were older, no way.

    btw, we are taking these classes for exercise and exercise ONLY.

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