
Would you let a friend of yours DIE if they chose to give up on LIFE ?

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Hello world. That is what I am dealing with at the moment. I have a

friend, who is very dear to me. But recently, she got involved in a

bad situation. From what I understand, she is in an abusive relationship. She met a guy, and he moved in with her after only

30 days. Things got worse. He started invading her personal space.

Like emails, and cell phone numbers. Then he isolated her basically,

from the world. And about 2 months ago, she told me that she could

not talk to me anymore. I think she was forced to, and it was less

of a personal decision for her. But she became depressed, and started smoking again. And for the past 3 months, she has been

going downhill on a psychological level, and more. She is just not

the same person she used to be. What do you think she is feeling

right now today ? And should I help her or let her go ?





    save her!

    i think shes scared and is depressed and is hoping one of her good friends will help her

  2. dude help her go 2 her place talk 2 her let her know u care about her she needs u. tell her that her bf ain't worth her life. help her back 2 her feet. if u really care do it now before she does something dumb

  3. you shoudl of course help her!!  talk to someone close to her - like her parents. try to get her help. it'll be hard, but she'll thank you in the end.

  4. call her and tell you are worried. tell her that you think things are bad. Tell her you want her to see a phyciatricotriss or however you spell it. Tell her you'll pay for it and that you care about her too muchj to let her see her like that.  Make her promise to tell you if he harms her. If he does, call the police and  and make her move in with you.

  5. never give up on a friend or someone you care about. tell her life can get better, it did for me after 12 years, don.t let her spend 12years in that life do what you can to help her,

  6. Wow I'm sorry to hear all this but, in my opinion i think you're her friend and you should maybe try to help her. But i don't think you could do it alone if she's still w/ that guy... and if she isn't you need to bring out the positive things in her. Try to remember the small things she liked and remind her of those things and slowly bring her back into this world ... this must be a very difficult time for her so i know she'd appreciate everything when it's over... As long as your at her side guiding her through everything  

  7. Don't let her go!If you let go your whole world might change!

  8. i know exactly what you mean i jst saw a movie exactly about it, the guy wont stop doing it unless his gnna get threatned. You need to help her out make her at least move in with you and cut contacts with him even though he'll try to stalk her. You need a lot of peoples help on this one but dnt let her go.

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