
Would you let a girl pay for your meals? ?

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Would you let a girl pay for your meals? ?




  1. depends. if it's a new relationship where I was trying to impress her then no, I would pay.

    If it's someone that is a friend, or has asked to take me out to dinner then I see no problem with it.  

  2. if she is ugly.and if she is fat Ill double the price lol

  3. If she insisted on it. I would just pay usually out of kindness and I would want to, not because I am a guy. But yes, I would let a girl pay for the meal if she freely chose so.

  4. You should pay for a girl's meal from time to time. It shouldn't be forced either, cause from my talks with several girls, it doesn't feel good when the guy takes care of every little thing; almost like the girl can't do anything for herself. If the girl's financial situation is ok, she should pay for it sometimes, and it shouldn't be a big deal.

  5. yes ... the world has changed...

    especially yes if I am in a long term relationship...

  6. Oh yeah I would!!!!... Chances are by this point in me knowing a woman I have paid for her a few times at least..

    Besides.. She might be expecting 'something' after taking you out!

  7. no

  8. are you kidding - do men ever offer to pay anymore?

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