
Would you let a ten - year old have a myspace?

by Guest45346  |  earlier

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My 10 year old girl wants a myspace so that she can talk to her friends that have a myspace. Most of her friends have one, but i don't want to feel awkward around all of her friends parents that actually let them have a myspace. So, please, help me! I don't know what to do.Do you think it's fair?




  1. Well, I wouldn't if I were a parent. If her friends were aloud to shoot heroin, would you let your baby girl do it? MySpace will take over her mind, life, and too much of her time. She should be able to live without one. 10 is too young. Try 16+.

    MySpace is full of predators, and they can get to your child easily. Explain to her about Internet safety, and set an age limit. Like, "When your ___ years old, you can have a MySpace." Then she'll have something to look forward to.

    But fort the love of all things holy, don't let her get one so young.

  2. Nope. First of all, there's a law concerning the internet, and social networking sites in particular, that makes it illegal for anyone under 13 to have one. I think Myspace won't allow users under 14-15 at all, and not under 18 without parental consent. So, tell her that she can't have one because it's breaking the law, and you won't let her break the law, and that when she meets the site's age limits, then she can have one.

  3. h**l No!!  Myspace only allows people 15 years old and older on there.  If you've been watching the news the past three years , you'll hear that girls are meeting people in person from Myspace and getting raped,kidnapped,or killed. Protect your daughter and say no. Talk with her friends' parents about it too.

  4. no she to young not ebven my 12 year old has myspace

  5. She is lying to you. Myspace does not allow children under 15 so "all" of her 10 year old friends do not have a Myspace. If you find her friends' myspace pages report them to myspace for violation of the terms of use. Then "all" her friends won't have myspace anymore.

    Problem solved.

  6. NO! Don't let her have a MySpace. They are only for kids 15+.

  7. i'd say no.

    but if you do let her, tell her its a privilage, and if schoolwork slips, thats the 1st thing that goes (temp)

    also, either create an account so you can make sure she's not posting anything appropriate, and make sure you have her password.

    oh, and become "myspace friends" with her.

  8. No I wouldn't let her have one.  My 11 year old doesn't have a "my space".  She doesn't have a "face book" either.  She does have an online photo album but that is private for only those she gives the lin/password to.  My kids aren't allowed to vegetate online.  

  9. Well I don't think she should have a myspace. Does she have a email address? If she does just say you have an email address and you see them all the time at school. Besides I but she wouldn't give you an answer besides talking to your friends. Plus it is not that safe!

  10. I don't think a child as young as ten should have a myspace only due to the fact that anyone can message her and persuade her to do anything and at this young age, with the right talking, she could be picked up by pedophiles. But if you do like the first answerer said, then there may be an exception. Try Instant Messaging first and wait at least a little while before giving her a myspace. Hope this helps.

  11. I don't care what her friends are doing there is no way my 11 year old is going to get a my space - 10 is way too young!!

  12. A Facebook might be better. on facebook you can only chat with ur friends. so its safe for kids under 13. sometimes people will ask if they can be ur friend but u can just tell her only talk with her friends. u can hit ingnore if u don't know who they are.  

  13. I wouldn't even have a myspace If i was 100! It's dangerous, and just because her Friends have one doesn't mean she needs one.You have  to teach your children that doing what everyone else does isn't important.You could let her use email and she can talk to her friends that way too.When i was really little my parents had something called Bsafe always,blocked myspace.People can take pictures and put things like naked bodys to the picture you put on.They can kidnap your child, things like that.I don't want to scare you, but do what is right.Your the parent.Explain these things to your daughter.

  14. NO NO NO!!!!!!

  15. Let her have one with these acceptions:

    Make her put it on private.

    Only accept her friends.

    [[You need to make one too, so you can check on hers..]]

    Then.... Check hers.

  16. No, and inform all other parents that 10 year old are much more susceptible to traps laid by predators.

    Edit: I am pretty sure it's 14+ but she is still too young.

  17. No Way!  This is why myspace has age limits in the first place.

  18. im 14 and almost 15 years old and my mom is very nice and she lets my sister and i get away with a lot of things and do a lot of things but she hates that i have a myspace.  i got it without her permission she knows she can trust me but all those freaks on myspace.  a 10 year old having a myspace would be such a bad idea they dont know half the stuff older teenagers or adults know even you could say i don't know anything either.  i am in 10th grade and i got a myspace under age since i moved to a new state and i got it to talk to my friends but now i met the age requirements. but dont have a 10 year old get it i even get messages from pervs once and awhile and i have to block them and i doubt she will only add her friends.  myspace is fun but you should wait till she is more mature.

    edit: also my mom made a myspace so she can check up on me but even then your kid could still get away with a lot of things and make other myspaces, not saying that i do but some kids do do that.  your 10 year old may me young but they are smart too and can do stuff you dont know about.

  19. ok I'mm not a mother but i am an aunt. My 12 year old nieceaskss me to make her page to talk to her friends and i told her no. Yes i have a myspace page but im grown and mature enough to no whats right and wrong and who not to talk to. At the age of 10 u stilling learning who strangers is. Being not myspace is a chat site or all ages i think u shouldnt allow it. Find her a site dat is actually monitored and purposely for kids her age. At 10 u still are ask to have parental permission to get online. So then again i say no she is to young.

  20. NO DON'T DO IT!

    Do you know that MySpace doesn't even want anyone under 13 on there? Are you aware of childhood predators? Don't do it.

  21. even though its a current trend.stuff like that has several dangers.i suggest if you dont have one get one also and add her as your friend that way you can see everything on her page and who her friends are and stuff like shouldn't exactly say no,but i personally think myspace is nothing but problems.

  22. Wow! 10 years old. If I had a 10 year old, i wouldn't let my 10 years old have a myspace.  

  23. yes, i also have a 10 yr old. i let her have one. i told her id only let her if i knew her password and told her i'd be checking it often. we haven't had any problems. she knows not to accept friend requests that aren't from kids she is friends with at school. it made me nervous too but i also didn't like the idea of telling her no, she can't use fun technology cause of weirdo's. i just keep an eye on it. you know your kid best so it's your decision.

  24. that is a steming pile of c**p. excuse the language but shes lying!

  25. I wouldnt but If you do make her give you her password.

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