My parents are in there late 50's and early 60's. 13 years ago they adopted me. since I was 6 we have been a foster family, wanting to adopt a small child or baby. Don't talk about adopting and older child, we tried and they have all had really bad issues and there DHHR worker put them in a home or something. Anyway, We dont want to go through an agency and anyway most say you must be under 50. WE reclently had a little boy who was two days old and was with us for 5.5 months and went back to his mom. Anyway would you let an older couple there age adopt or do you think they are too old EVEN THOUGH they are in EXCELLENT health and financially stable. We're not rice by any means and can't afford a $20,000 adoption agency bill but could afford to raise one, but the money is needed over 18 years, not all at once.