
Would you let "Celebrities" educate your children?

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I really don't know who thought this one up. It appears that the 10 "Celebrities" concerned can boast 5 GCSE's between them.




  1. I can only assume that as it is the 1st April that it is an attempt at a joke

  2. It's absurd to use children's education as entertainment in this manner.

  3. NO

  4. It's yet another April fool.It just would not happen.You can't just play around with three months of a teen's education besides it wouldn't go down to well with the teacher's union.

  5. if i wanted my kids to be like Jade Goody then sure. But i don't

  6. probally briney spears or paris hilton

    talking about babies for paris

    talking about hair styles for briney


  7. April fool ...I think

  8. heckETH to the noETH!

  9. Sadly it would seem they are even though it is not in a  classroom.

  10. Do you consider Stephen Hawking a celebrity?

  11. NO!

  12. haha no on your life!!

  13. I guess Celebries will be educated by students, instead of educating students...

  14. Its april fools day, it is probably a joke.

  15. Wow is this ever a wind up.   - But if it was not ,I would say b*gger that - no way! celebs that class themselves as such, can't even educate themselves

  16. maybe mother teresa

  17. Hellllllllllllllls No

  18. If the celebrities is properly train in college on teaching I'll say yes but it is impossible. No definitely.

  19. I think there are some very intelligent celebs out there more so in the music industry

    For Example, Bob Dylin, Bono (i still hate him), And even sharan stone

    but i wont be letting Paris Hilton Teach my kids any time soon

  20. No i Wouldn't. Most Of Them Quit School Early And Therefore They Are Uneducated. A.K.A Dumb. Except For Chris Brown* Who Is Obviously Very Educated And Therefore i Would Allow Him To Educate My Children. If i Had Any.

  21. If it isn't a wind up, it's only for three months anyway and the children involved would eith er have already taken their GCSEs, or would not be in Y11 in the first place.

    And think how long it would take to explain what a GCSE IS to these celebrities? I really think that someone should now be accoutnable for all thi $hit they are doling out in the name of entertainment.

  22. There is NO way my daughter could be near that.

    If they want easy money why don't go on the streets...?


  23. At first I thought Stephen Fry, he would be good for kids education........but on second thoughts......

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