
Would you let someone sell your stuff for you for profit?

by  |  earlier

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If somone came to your house, professionally, and asked you if you would like anything in your household sold (like things you never use). And then asked if you would like him to do the selling at a 20% of the profit price. This sounds like a great deal receiving 80% of the profit, getting things out of the house and not having to do anything for it. Would you do it and Why?




  1. I would do it because then I don't have to sell it and 80% makes it totally worth it.

  2. Of course. It is a win-win situation.

  3. yes if there was a lot i wanted to get rid of. 20 is a lot of percent for them though

  4. Yes, because I am not using it anyway.  

  5. Absolutely not.

    If someone came to my house and asked if they could sell my stuff for me I would call police and report them.

    Police will verify if their are legit or running a scam.

    Never give anything to anyone who calls you or comes to your door that you did not request in the first place.

    Look how many naive people get sucked into this trap.

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