
Would you let them?

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If you had identical twin children (both male), would you let them dress the same if it was their choice?




  1. Why not?  They would be harder to tell apart that way.  Maybe that's why they want to.  Why fight over that?

  2. If they choose to, do not stop them. They are your children and they will always appreciate you for allowing them to dress alike.

  3. yes, as long as they chose to do so. my twins will sometimes choose to dress the same and sometimes they don't.

  4. Course!

    Its there choice and if it makes them happy.It should make the parents happy that there happy. && They can always change there mind. Witch they prolly will when there older.

  5. I think it would be very confusing if you didn't have some way of telling them apart.  This could lead to some weird practical jokes.  Otherwise I don't seem the harm of it.

  6. If they want to I say ok, but I am a twin and I HATED when my sister would wear the same clothes as I!

  7. whoa!  i can't believe they actually want to dress the same

    but oh well, it's their choice.  they are twins, anyway... let them do what they want.

    it's not like they're running a meth lab in the basement.

  8. definitely if that's what they want then that's what i would let them do.

  9. that is odd, but if they are in their teens, why would you want to control their clothing choices, unless they are wearing mesh tank-tops and daisy duke shorts?

    Maybe they're just trying to shock you?  Or confuse you or others?  Identical twins can think things like that are funny.

  10. Yes why not, if they like it! As long as you can tell  who's  who!

  11. Yes i would.... =)

  12. Of course, that way they could perfect their both going out with the other's girlfriend stunt.  It's hilarious.

  13. My thought is if they are still dressing alike at 13 or 14 you have chosen to dress them this way all their life.  They didn't just come up with this.  I think kids who want to look alike at that age is an issue.  They should be trying to be their own people by that age and dressing differently just trying to not look alike.  I have heard of twins dressing alike their entire life and I find that scary so I would try to show them that choosing different would give them a choice in life and not always being viewed as a twin would allow them an option to be different.  While I can appreciate the twin thing, I also believe difference in themselves are important.  Mirror images are not necessarily healthy.

  14. Why not. Saves the trouble of picking out different outfits.

  15. ya i mean their old enough 2 dress themselves

  16. yeah, if they chose to, why not?! I think it would be odd if you forced it at that age.
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