
Would you let ur 17 yr drive alone?

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ok so friday im goint to get my senior portraits taken. my mom wants to take me, i can't drive by myself, b/c apparently im too young. im going to be 18 in 3 weeks! they don't let me have any independence driving wise. they don't let me drive on the highway. im not a bad driver i've had my license since i was 15 and my mom has said numerous times im a better driver than my sister who is 21. the place is like 5-6 miles away. i googled it on their maps and found a picture of the place and directions telling and showing how to get there. im going to be the only teen their with their mommmy(embarrassing). she can't hold my hand the rest of my life! she's afraid ill get lost.




  1. yes, and id put a glass floor in her car so she can see who she ran over

  2. yes

  3. ya duh

    id let herr drive my car when she was 15

  4. I was driving alone at that age too. My mom would be the one to force me to drive. Talk to your parents about how it makes you feel. Ask if they can let you have a little independence, and 5 miles isn't that big of a deal. They might just think they're doing it to keep you safe and may not realize how it makes you feel.

  5. I think that's a little much.  I was driving on my own at 17, because my parents worked and I had a part-time job and sports after school.    I had to drive myself, I didn't have anyone else to rely on.

    However, I did have limitations.  I was allowed to drive around town and to the mall (like 20 mins away).   I understand the highway thing.  My mom was nervous about the highway too.

    But, going 5-6 miles to get pictures taken is not really a big deal.  I remember when I got my senior picture taken.  The night before I was in the emergency room with whiplash, b/c someone rear-ended my ex-boyfriend's car (the other drivers fault)

    But, the next day, I was driving.  Your mom has to let go.  Going a few miles isn't anything too major.  Try to convince her that you're going down the street and coming right back.

    How does she EVER expect you to become a better driver, if you never get a chance to exercise responsible, safe and mature driving on your own?

  6. If she had completed driver's ed and passed the driving test, she'll be allowed to drive, assuming her grades are good enough to justify my putting her on my insurance.

  7. Yes. The point of getting a license is for parents to be able to trust you and give you a little independence. I think your parents are way too overprotective of you.

  8. If I trusted my teen, yes I would let them drive alone. But for something like senior pics, she wants to go with you (and after all, she's going to be the one who pays for it, so she wants to know what she's paying for)!

  9. From the day I had my license I drove alone. I picked up 5 friends first day I got my license. I never hit anyone.

  10. If they were responsible in other aspects of their life.

    If when I was with them in a car, they were comfortable and observant.

  11. im sure you wont be the only one

  12. my parents used to make me call whenever I went or left somewhere, but they still let me go.

  13. Well being a mother i know how she feels although being so scared when you have had it since you were 15 is a little over-protective..But the only way she is going to take you seriously is to sit down and talk with her about it.Tell her you have been driving since you were 15 and you are only going a short distance.Tell her to give you a chance.

  14. just talk to your mom I'm sure she has her reasons.....and if not once your 18 put a car in your own name that you bought and paid for and pay for your own insurance and move out and she cant stop you.

  15. ,,,yes,,,,i wuld on my 18 yr old....but if ever i see a dent...i wuld put a dent on either his face or his wallet....

  16. Sounds like your mom is waaaay over protective. but atleast you know she loves you, but I can understand how you feel.

  17. do you pay for gas? did you pay for your car? are you paying for your senior pics?

    If you answered no to any of these questions, then your mom has the right to be with you

  18. When someone gets their license they should be able to drive alone! You drive with someone when have a permit!

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