
Would you let your 14 year old daughter go to florida for a week with her friend?

by Guest62886  |  earlier

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We live in georgia and her friend has asked her to go to florida for a week. I have talked to her friends parents and they seem nice and everything sound sgood but I don't know her friends parents well and my daughter has never been away from home this long.

But I also know we wouldn't be able to take her on a trip like this so it would be fun for her.

What do you think? Please help




  1. Probably yes.

    Just check on her every day shes gone -- see what shes doing and how she is. Get her friends parents phone number and call them too. Tell her to call you when she gets to Florida.

    It will be a great experience for her.

    Good Luck

  2. I'm 13 and had the same problem.  My friend asked me to go to Florida with her.  It was over Easter break though, so I couldn't go, but my mom felt fine as long as I was with the parents all the time or they knew where we were.  I think you should let her go and give her a little freedom before she rebels.

  3. No. Although she is at that age where she wants to go out and explore (and I think it's good that they do), she is also at that age where she is vulnerable. I wouldn't let my child(ren) leave state (unless on a school field trip or on vacation with me or my spouse) until they're 16.

  4. I would  say no unless there is adult super vision .

  5. yes it would be fun

  6. age 14 no

    age 18 yes


  7. yes i would let her go but she would have a cell phone and call me evey morning and night and her friends parents would be their at all times and also check in with me i think it is a fine age for her to leave for a week with a friend but just make some rules in advance and talk with her friends parents on what they would be doing wile their and were they are gonna stay ect.

  8. As long as the parents are going...I'd have to talk to them about it first..

  9. its good you like the parents...but its not about the parents. its about your daughter. i don't think age is what should be the deciding factor know your daughter, how responsible is she? does she get into trouble? get good grades? choose good friends?

  10. yea as long as you know and trust her friend and who ever else is going

  11. if you seem a little unsure about her parents, invite them over for dinner, or ask them out to lunch. get to know them a little, i'm sure they'll understand your concerns. if they seem okay, then by all means, let her go!! your daughter will thank you for it. i went to disney world with my friend when i was in the 4th grade (we live in MN) and my mom didn't know her parents all that well, and that's what she did. i got to go, and it was a blast!!

  12. it depends. if your daughter is with her friend AND PARENT/GUARDIAN. yes. but make sure that you know her mum or dad and you can trust. them to take care of you 14 year old.

    im 13 and i went to paris with one of my friends. she paid out everything. well, her parents. and they came too thank god.

    hope this helps


  13. Well, sure! If you've already talked to the other parents and they seem like people you'd be okay with your daughter. You've got to give her some kind lag on the lease. Most kids rebel if you don't. (I did. lol) Sounds to me like you want her to go anyway. I'm sure she'll have a really good time and be so thankful to you for letting her.

    Wish I could with her too! :)

    Best wishes!

  14. I does not sound like you know the friends parents very well.  If this is the case, then no way.  If you were good friends with her friends parents then it would be OK.

  15. I am 14 and i recently went to north carolina for a week with my friend. (I live in florida). Everything was fine. They are a very conservative family, so I guess it really depends on the type of family your daughter is going with. I would let her go, if you trust her. Letting your child go out and see the world is something that they will continually thank you for. Give her a chance.

  16. well talk to their parents more, have dinner with them one time and get to know them better iff you have to.

    if you trust yer daughter, and find that her parents are nice responsible  ppl, then yes let her go. many times parents expect the worse..but dont realize that prolly nothing will happen and that everything is going to be ok. im 16, and i think i would be able to handle myself for a week when i was 14 and i would also be very happy if my parents let me go.

  17. Nope. Not unless I knew the parents very well and trusted them completely.

  18. If you trust your kid, then once I checked out the parents and they were clean, then sure! Why not? Set the rules and be strict about it, but other than that, 14 is not exactly a baby.

  19. I think you should allow her to go. Just have a conversation with the friends parents and have a talk with your daughter.

    If you trust her you know she will be at her  best while away.

  20. I let my oldest son, 15, go with five friends and his uncle, my brother, who is 25 to hawaii for a week. so in my opinion yes.

  21. No way, I wouldn't unless she was 18+ :)

  22. They SEEM nice?? I am sorry if you don't know them personally I would not let her go.

  23. I would say yes, just make sure you talk to the parents and let them know what you do and don't allow your daughter do. I'm sure you have been around the friend, if she's polite, well behaved and not wild and undisciplined her parents are probably good parents. Are there any parents that you know well who know these parents better than you, who could fill you in?

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