
Would you let your 14 year old daughter to go to the Warped Tour without a parent?

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She is a good girl, does not drink or do drugs and makes good grades. A lot of her freinds are going and she has a safe ride there and back. I am against it just because I think she is a little too young but she has never given me a reason to doubt her and she really wants to go. I totally do not know what to do. Please help. Thanx!




  1. h**l No

    I'm fourteen and

    I wouldnt want to go


  2. if shes with friends and has a phone for emergencies, then yes.


  3. nope,my brother went but he was 18...... i wouldnt let my 14 year old daughter go by herself..

  4. Heck no there are crazy people running aound doing drugs but maybe you should cuz she is good and if there is a safe ride then it might be okay

  5. i wouldn't go alone and i'm 20..

  6. my friend will just be turning 15 and is going with a friend. i don't see a problem with it.

  7. My cousin went when she was  15. my mother thought that was ridiculous, of course because shes my mom looks like I'm gonna have a good future, but my aunt let her go because she was really good, she had to say no before to, they talk about everything she was with a group and she had her phone. My aunt also had all her friends numbers so she could fine her at any time. Oh, and my Aunt was there ride there and back (that was her only condition) I think you should let her go, i mean she sounds like a good kid, and you can just go over the rules. Give us kids some credit!

  8. h**l no.

  9. let her go if she's responsible she should be fine gotta let her go and dont put a leash on her too much then she'll want to break away from u more so jus let her be.

  10. No! Maybe when she's 16-18... Warped Tour isn't as bad as, say, Bonnaroo (which has drugs, nudity, more drugs, s*x, even more drugs, etc), but it's still got more than its fair share of drugs, sketchy people, and mosh pits. Not a place for a 14-year-old to go unchaperoned... heck, last summer I even refused to be responsible my 15-year-old sister at Warped Tour! Just tell her no, not this year at least, and then when safer shows with bands she likes come to your area, let her go to those.

  11. When I was younger I was able to do anything without a parent and a lot of times that meant trouble. I'm 25 now and I would not let my child go without a parent. I would go with her. She may be good now but its things like going to your first concert alone is when things might start to change. Stay on her as long as possible. There is some crazy stuff that goes on at concerts like that and there is a lot  she might be exposed to.

    P.S. This is coming from someone who made a lot of bad mistakes when I was younger and as crazy as it might sound I wish my mom would have been more strict. Your daughter will thank you in the end.

  12. i would make sure she is with responsible people because at vans warped there are immature people who bring drugs and make mosh pits so i'd say she should at least go with a group of friends and have her cell phone with her

  13. Well would she be with a group of friends?

    If so (and you think they are good too) then yes, trust her. I'm 14 and I have some friends that went in a group without a parent and they just went listened to the music and a parent picked them up. I just would be checking up on who she would be with. Also, give her a cell phone so she can call you. Even ask if she would mind you going. My dad is over protective so my mom goes with me and a group of my friends. She stays out of my hair and makes sure we barely know she is there but can keep an eye on us just in case.


    P.S. if you don't trust her before she did anything bad it will give her reason to just do bad things.

  14. aww yea i went to that concert when i came to town bout a week parents went but they didn't actually stay anywhere near me lol....i went towards the front with my friends while my mom stayed in the back...way in the back lol...u could try that i guess.

  15. Yeah, there are plenty of 14 and under kid running around. As long as she is with a group of friends, it's fine. Trust me, if you go with her you will feel like an idiot because you will realize you really didn't have to go and you will be stuck listening to music I'm assuming you don't like all day. Let her go, you gotta start letting her grow up a bit.

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