
Would you let your 15 year old child stay at home alone?

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I tried to convince my mom to let me stay one night, all night, at home alone, while she goes and does a study, instead of making me stay at my aunt and uncles house. I told her I'd be alright and that I'm home by myself often during the day but, she said it had nothing to do with me but, other people(you know, the bad guys). Though I'm very dissapointed, I understand. So I'm asking more out of curiousity rather than getting answers to prove that she should let me stay at home.




  1. I started being a latchkey kid when I was 10.

    At 15 I was babysitting alone at other people's houses.

    I'd say your mom is ridiculously overprotective.  I'm a teacher and parents like your mom make me crazy because they still see their little baby instead of the mature young adult I've come to know.

    I'm 22 weeks pregnant with my first and my husband and I are in agreement that we'll let them start having short stays at home alone when they're in 4/5th grade just like we did as long we think they're mature enough not to burn the house down.

  2. i stay home alone alot so it shouldnt be ever a problem unless your a party girl and you drink and she knows

  3. i would give her a key,lock all the doors, and put a video camera hidden in the house. if shes a ''wild one''  and pad lock every door for the strangers.  make up a "secret knock" so u can recoginize her. u can then open the door 4 her

  4. No, not at night. Your mom is right. There are more dangers at night. You are vulnerable because you'll be asleep one would think.

    Soon, you'll be able to. Don't try to grow up too fast. Enjoy it while you can.

  5. Personally I wouldn't.  15 is too young in my opinion.  I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving anyone that young at home day or night.

  6. The all night thing is the only problem. I would have problems leaving a 15 yo over night alone.

    You sound like a pretty mature girl, so i'm sure soon they will realise you can be trusted.

    Good luck.

  7. hon, wanting to be alone all night and really being alone all night is two different things. at your age, we all think we can handle anything. but, sometimes in the middle of the night - especially when you are alone, noises appear, that are probably always there, but you never noticed before that night. you are alone, once a small fear sets in, that's it, the rest of the night is hard for you. be happy to spend time with your aunt and uncle. you will have so many nights that you can be alone when you are a bit older. also, you not being alone gives your mom peace of mind while she is away. the safety of a child is so precious to a parent. you be patient, don't be in too much of a hurry to grow up. childhood is only a few short years, the rest of  your life is adulthood.  smile, honey.

  8. im 20 years old, and i have a mom didnt let me stay home alone until i was at least 17 and i wouldnt let my daughter never know what could happen....

  9. Mom knows best she's only looking out for your best interest so many houses are watched by predators waiting to break in now what do you think would happen if someone broke in and found you all alone? Not trying to scare you but being realistic in the world today I'm 31 and can't stand to be home all alone

  10. depending upon the maturity level, and trustworthiness of my child i may consider it. however, i would also let a trusted neighbor and aunt/uncle know.

  11. I don't blame your mom for being protective especially for times like these, and at least you understand the direction and thoughts to where your mom is coming from. You can try (like I did when I was 15) and come to a compromise with your mom if she'll at least meet you half way on trying to letting you stay at home by yourself

    ~For example you can tell her to inform your neighbors and to have them keep an eye on you or go to them for help if you need it or something goes wrong.

    ~Allow her to call you on some certain time (ex: every 20 minutes to an hour) just to let her know your okay

    Just give her good comfortable reasons to trust you at home and to know that you'll be safe with back up plans in case anything goes wrong.

  12. I might... but it depends on a lot of circumstances.

    1.  How responsible are you?  Does your mother have reasons to think that you wouldn't be safe at home alone, or stay out of trouble?  Have you shown that you can handle yourself?

    2. How safe is your neighborhood?  

    3. Do you have a next door neighbor that could check in?  Someone very close by that could be available if something unforseen happened?

    4. Is there a way you could contact your mom?  Can she call and check on you?  

    So, I'm not saying "No" unequivocally, but there are a lot of other circumstances that would need to be in place before I would consider it.

  13. I wouldn't let 15 yo stay home all night alone, sorry. Too many creeps out there.

    I'm guessing that she's doing a sleep study, and I know I wouldn't sleep well if my daughter was home alone. Give it a few years, sweetie.

    I don't want to scare you too much, but do check out this website:

    Moms worry a lot. It isn't about not trusting you, because you sound like a great kid.

  14. Your Mom would never forgive herself if she left you alone and something did happen to you. It's a harsh world out there .

    I would not allow it if it were me.  You should just be happy that

    she cares about you. You hear of little children being left alone and things do happen to them because they are incapable of taking care of themselves.  I am sure you are

    capable, but circumstances could change that.

  15. I was home alone at that age, but not over night.

  16. No there is to many bad things happening out there and you also have to worry about people turning you into the authorities.

  17. depends on the kid and if she is mature enough not to do things that are wrong.. my mom never left and it drove my crazy so i moved out as soon as  i could

  18. sounds, like my mom lol. too overprotective, but it depends on what you mean by all night. if you mean like until late about 1-2 then i think you are old enough to stay home alone, but if you meant like she won't be home until the next morning/day, then no i wouldn't let my 15 year old do that either.

  19. No. I wouldn't, it's not responsible.

  20. For a few hours: yes, of course

    For more than a day: probably not

    Your situation is kind of a gray area. It depends on how responsible you've proven yourself to be, what type of neighborhood you live in, how far away your mom will be, etc.

    I personally think that her choice isn't irrational at all.

  21. As a 15 yr. old, I'm allowed to stay home alone over night with my little brother, but I'm basically a "goody-goody."

    and actually, when I do, I'm a little uncomfortable, especially when it starts to get late.

  22. I watched my 3 younger siblings at 13 years old and was a good kid. I still would not want my daughter home alone because she's a child and should enjoy being a child.I helped because I had to. Dad was a deadbeat that didn't pay child support (they where married for ten years too) and mom couldn't afford daycare.Enjoy being a kid and not having to worry about anything. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up. You will have plenty of time to have to take care of yourself.

  23. yeah i always stay home by myself and im 14. i even babysat home alone. nothing happens. im responsible.  as long as you're responsible then it  shouldnt be any problem. its time to prove that you can handle yourself.

  24. Yes, I would, depending on the neighborhood and my child's maturity level.

    We started letting our kids stay home alone for short periodss of time when they were 13, which is the legal age in our state. Both kids knew where we'd be and how to reach us in an emergency. I think so long as you know what to do if something should happen, you're definitely old enough.

    I was 15 when my parents flew across the country for my grandfather's funeral. I stayed home by myself and they just had our neighbor check in on me every now and then.

    Your mom is just looking out for you. It's hard being a parent and letting go, but hang in there with her. She obviously loves you a great deal. :)

  25. if any thing did go wrong she would have to deal with the consequences for ever. she is responsible for you , enjoy her you won't always have her

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