
Would you let your 15 year old son go to a mall by himself?

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I want to go to an outdoor mall a couple miles away to buy some clothes but I always feel rushed or like a burdern when I go with people because I'm picky especially since I don't get to buy clothes all that often.

Maybe 3 or 4 times a year since no one really has the funds to get me what i want when i want it all the time so i save for it sometimes unless its like school clothes or something.

Anyway; the mall is packed with security like 2-4 guards on every block.

I'm known to be responsible and stuff; its 10 minutes from home; and i have a cell phone. So I'm pretty safe.

But would you let me a 15 year old guy go to a mall by myself? Meaning no friends or family just me.

Why or why not?





  1. If you're mature, then yes. Next year you will be old enough to drive on your own!

  2. yes, of course.

    you are defiantly old enough.

  3. yeah DUh! im a girl and im 15 and i would go by myself its a public place  nothings gonna happen sto yo

  4. I defintely would because kids like will find a way to do things even when there parents say no. Like I remember when I was like 14 and 15 and I was like a freshman my parents said I couldnt go to like highschool parties but when they told me that it just fueled me to sneak out and go to the parties and do even worse things then if they would have said yes I wouldn't have done.

  5. yes i would, because hes 15. it would be different if he was 10

  6. yea.. ofcourse.. y wouldnt i.. am 14 and i byke ride everywere ... and ma parents just say b safe dnt do anything stupid and call me acouple times..

  7. haha yeah I've been going to the mall alone since I was like 12 and I'm a girl. Wow. lol

  8. Yes if you don't have a reputation of gangs, drugs or getting in trouble.

  9. yeah your 15 not 5  and if u have a cell phone id trust u

  10. your 15!!!

    Why the h**l not?

  11. if you were mature at 15 yes, like as long as your good in school and I know your their you keep in contact with me Id let you go. If you were a bad kid then No way!!

  12. Well i am 15. my sis works at the mall so i go to work with her a lot and walk around for a couple of hours by myself and buy stuff.

    so why not? lol.

  13. yes. 15 is old enough to know what and what not to do in a mall

  14. Absolutely. If you feel a bit nervous to begin with, why not see if you can go friends a few times first and then alone for you shopping trip as you like to take a long time and not be hurried. Or perhaps an adult can go with you and you go your separate ways to shop but meet up at the end.

  15. Yeah im a 13 year old girl and I go to the mall by my self or with my younger sis all the time.

  16. If you're mature enough to ask your parents without screaming at them if they say "no" then chances are you're mature enough to go by yourself - though having a "buddy" with you is never a bad thing just for your own safety. If your parents are hesitant about letting you go offer to call them every so often. I would suggest once an hour - I know it seems like a lot but it would probably make them feel better knowing you're safe.

  17. Yeah I would. If you are able to pick things out more easily.

    I feel the same way when I go with my mom. I feel like she just wants to leave and she wants me to pick out something and go. So I end up not even picking out anything.

  18. dude you're 15

    of course you could go to the mall by yourself

    that way you wouldn't be bothering anyone

  19. ive been at the mall all by myself to buy stuff i didn't want my friends to get in my way either, im 12 i say as long as u have ur cell ur alright plus ur like 15 right so yeah u'll be ok

  20. I'm fourteen and my mom makes sure we (my friend and i, sometimes just me) have a cell phone. She drops us off at Target, so that we can walk over to the book store when it opens (manga.) I go to the mall to, alot, the only thing really preventing me is gas.

  21. I'd let my son if I had one because you gave good points. I mean, if you're responsible, have a cell phone, there will be guards around and it's close to your house, why not? It's not like you're going there to do anything bad, you're just buying clothes =)

  22. im 14 and my parents let me go with friends, not myself. it depends too on whether ur parents think they can trust u. just tell them u'll call them when u get there and u'll call like every hour to reassure them that ur okay. parents like when their kids take responsibility

  23. holy s**+.t dude, your over protective. I've been going out alone/with friends since what ? 11 years old. your crazy not letting him !

  24. yes, because you 15, and its just a mall, its not like the boogey mans gonna pop out around the corner.

  25. dude, yea lol im  a 12  yr old girl and go to the mall with friends but i dont see a big diff going alone without friends. not a biggy.

  26. Yes.  I mean you are going to be driving in a year and soon you'll be old enough to get a job.  I think it is time you maybe became more independent.  I would let my 15 year old daughter shop for clothes at a secure mall in the daytime.  If your parents are hesitant maybe they could shop separately and meet you.

  27. I would allow you to go during daylight hours.  I don't suggest carrying too much cash.  You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders.

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