
Would you let your 15 yr. old daugther watch the Exorcist?

by Guest56105  |  earlier

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Would you let your 15 year old daughter watch the cleaned up TV version of the Exorcist if she was mature and knew what was real and what was fiction?





  1. Actually, i wouldn't. She may be 15 but that is some really intense stuff and it can be harmful to a young ones mind. That one made me think of things they shouldn't have to think about or even want to wonder about. Its just scary. I would wait until she is 16. maybe even 17. its one of those ones that would give a grown man nightmares and i know grown men who won't even look at the case of the movie and go pray once they see it. It may be fiction to some but to others its true. They believe in stuff like that.  

  2. Uh, yeah, I would let her watch the "uncleaned" version.

  3. Simply, yes i would.  Its not that bad of a movie. Its one of the better "scary" movies out there.  Its fine for her to see it.

  4. Yeah. My 12 year old sister has seen that movie.  She knows that it is fiction and is mature about it.  It is just a movie.  

  5. yes why not, like you said she knows facts from fiction, and it is the clean version, so why not.

  6. me and my sister watched it when we were 12 and 13. it creeped me out and she was laughing the whole time cause it looked so fake.

  7. Yes. As a Catholic, that movie is like a documentary for me. I was all "Hail Mary" for a good two weeks after I watched it.

  8. Why would YOU want to watch that movie??

  9. Depends on the child.  I think most 15 year olds with a stable grip on reality can handle it.  Really, you know your daughter best.  

  10. Whoa, you are really overprotective!

    My kids were practically born watching scary movies- "The Exorcist" included. I didn't raise them in "sterile, happy land". They know the difference between fact and fiction, good and bad, right and wrong, etc.

    They probably have a firmer grip on reality than kids who have been sheltered their whole lives.

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