
Would you let your 16 yo daugter spend the night?

by  |  earlier

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at her boyfriends house. she is on the mini pill and youve met him befor and he seems nice. They have already had s*x.

would you let her stay ??




  1. Hmmm that's a tough situation.

    My mom let me do that kind of stuff, and I turned out fine (graduated college with honors, didn't get pregnant til I was married, etc)

    But I was a pretty responsible and not reckless teenager.

    If my daughter had a level head on her shoulders I would probably let, but I don't have a daughter so I don't know yet.

    It would probably never happen, because I KNOW my husband is going to be super protective if we ever have a girl.

    I would probably be more comfortable with having the boyfriend come over to my house so that I know she is safe.

  2. no absolutley not! although she has had s*x before and is on the pill, that is a very adult situation to be in at 16, My parents allowed me to do it and I was a mom at 16. That is a big commitment that a 16 yo just doesn't have the mental maturity to handle. She is still a child and it is the parents responsibilty to protect her from making those types of mistakes in life.

  3. Nope....just b/c they have had s*x is no reason to let her stay.  Its morals.  I had the same b/f for almost 4 years and even when I turned 18 and he came into town my parents made us sleep in seperate beds.  My mom knew we had s*x but it was about morals.  Remeber the pill isint 100 percent and it doesnt justify that its ok to have s*x just b/c shes on it!  Shes still very young and when shes older she can do what she wants but for now id say no!

  4. It depends what your values are. I think if they've already had s*x, then spending the night again isn't gonna do much difference. Make them use a condom though.

  5. I could not let my daughter stay at her boyfriend's house. Even if I found out they had s*x letting her stay the night would seem like I am giving her permission to do it again. It doesn't matter how nice he is cause if the condom breaks or pill doesn't work 100% he won't be nice anymore once he finds out he will be a teenage father.

  6. NO NO NO NO NO!

  7. No, end of story.  She is considered an adult at 18.  Then she can stay wherever she likes.  But, as the parent, you have control until then.  Parents need to quit trying to be "cool" and start being parents.  Your 16 year old needs understand the consequences of her actions.

  8. might as well if you know they already had s*x, whats there to worry about ?

  9. yes

    at least that way you know where she is and who she's with.  also she will probably respond well to your trust.

    you should make sure she's aware that the pill doesn't stop STDs though and explain that the pill in general and the mini pill in particular are not 100% reliable.  keep condoms in your bathroom that she can help herself to without asking you, and you should make sure she knows they're there.  there needn't be a discussion about it, you can just take her aside and tell her they're there, and that be the end of the conversation.

  10. Seems like you've already lost the fight, she's already increased her chance of STD's...Why give so much freedom she's a child herself...she surely doesn't need to take care of one!   My answer is no way

  11. What are you thinking?! How could you condone that kind of behavior? I am disturbed that there is even a question in your mind about this. Shame on you for not teaching your daughter wrong from right.

  12. What kind of morals are you handing down to your child, regardless if shes on the pill. You suppose to raise your children in the likeness of God, then when they get grown they can make whatever choices they want, as long as you know you raise them how they should have been raised (morally).

  13. Nope. Allowing her to spend the night at her boyfriend's house at the age of 16 is  also tolerating and encouraging her to commit  big mistakes in her life.

  14. NO!

  15. Heya

    To be honest , i would. I would be a hypocrite if i didnt because i stayed at my boyfriends house when i was 15 and moved in with him an 16. as long as they are both clean and shes on the pill its ok.

    =] x*x

  16. Why not, at least you know where she is, I think it's great that you have an open relationship, and already know that she has had s*x, most teenagers wouldn't admit that to their parents...

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