OK, i am homeschooled. But i dual enroll at a community college (have been since the 10th grade). this summer i have finished up ALL of my high school credits, so i will be spending my sr. year taking on a full load at the college. we live 25 minutes away from the college, and in the past my parents/sister have driven me. but my dad's insurance buisness is 5 miles away and there is a bike trail that starts near his office and goes all the way to the school. my idea this year is to go to work with my dad, and then ride my bike to classes (5 miles there, 5 miles back, 5 days a week), as way to maybe lose some weight, and be by myself, etc. to think. you know. so yesterday my parents and i did a test ride to see if i could make it that far with my backpack on, and i can. made it there and back just fine. but my dad is worried that part of the trail is like on a nature path and its wooded, and part of its next to the road. he's fine with the road, but he's thinking if someone noticed that i was riding down the trail, every day at a certain time, someone who wanted to hurt me could just catch me off guard, etc. and he doesn't want me to be the next person on the news who was abducted, raped, and killed while on some kind of trail through trees, etc.
and i can see his point of view, and i want to take the necessary precautions (i mentioned carrying around a taser, pepper spray, etc.), but i really want to ride my bike. i'm not allowed to drive until i'm 18 because insurance is too much, so my bike is how i get around at home. if i was ur kid would u let me do this? why or why not? how can i convince my dad that i'll be careful and safe?